-Chapter 26- «Gathering the Puzzle Pieces»

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-"Hand me another Budweiser, you prissy wuss!" Harold growled at Larry, not feeling the least remorse in his slightly offensive choice of words.

I managed to come to Larry's party, last minute decision. I was about to stay at my place and try to figure out what could lead him to kill those women. Misogyny, maybe?

Nothing can truthfully link him to all these murders so it doesn't make sense. He could've done it out of hatred towards me. I mean, we weren't in good terms when we first met, but it's not something to murder people for.

Then again, we're still in New York and nothing's astonishing anymore, last I checked.

A much needed conversation with Kendall was primordial at the moment but she hasn't showed up yet, if she was ever going to make it after that terrible discovery.

-"There you go, boss!" Larry exclaimed from the other room, sliding the glass bottle on the marble kitchen counter.

How can a cheerful friend turn out to be a cold-blooded killer? Appearances, Miles. They always tend to be misleading.

Like any self-respecting stress freak, several questions popped in my mind. How did Sam gain access to the footage of the murders? Did he follow Larry in one of the crime scenes? And, more importantly, why did he keep it to himself for a long time and not reveal it to the team so we can close these cases for good? Is he planning something devilish to take Larry down so he can be considered as the Precinct's hero? Not really surprising, the word "mischievousness" runs in his black veins.

Speaking of the Devil, he made his Don Juan majestic appearance inside the apartment, earning a couple of ho's and hey's from our team mates.

Sam was wearing a Ralph Lauren shirt that he made sure to leave it open on the upper part to reveal his muscled chest. That didn't escape Larry's eyes as I caught him staring at it while gulping his cocktail.

Feeling a little bit thirsty, Parker?

-"Welcome to my party, Sam, is it?" Larry greeted him, acting as if he didn't know his name.

-"Thank you." Sam smiled. "Yes, it is... Sam Cooper."

Man, he will stop at nothing to throb people's hearts.

-"I forgot to welcome you to our team." Larry extended his arm to shake. "You'll see that we're very... Interactive."

-"I can see that." Sam affirmed, shaking his hand and figuring out Larry's sexual orientation.

He then went to get himself a beer from the refrigerator before I found myself leading my way behind him.

-"I told you to leave New York." I informed him, with a despising tone.

-"Hey, Milo." He saluted. "Want a Miller?"


-"I'm referring to the beer in the fridge, buddy. Chill out." He laughed, opening his. "I'm not talking about the human Miller."

-"So you knew Elizabeth Miller?" I questioned him, setting my detective interrogation techniques on.

-"No." He denied, taking a swig of his beer. "But I know who killed her."

The uncontrollable desire to smack that smirk off his face is itching my limbs.

-"Don't you dare hurt him." I warned him with my index inches away from him. "You don't want to lose half of that beautiful figure of yours."

-"You don't know what you're talking about, man. See ya." He shrugged, giving me a friendly tap on the back before going to Harold for a loud interaction filled with grunting laughter.

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