-Chapter 22- «P.S. I Love You»

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The only thing I could hear was the water flowing under the Brooklyn Bridge as I was walking towards the crime scene where Susan was killed.

A long yellow 'Police Line Do Not Cross' wrapped the square down next to a shoe factory that has been closed for months due to technical issues. The ground was tagged with a dry blood puddle, forever marking her grisly death.

I didn't get the chance to speak to her about lurking in my building, that could've answered some of my questions. If she didn't give me those answers when she was alive, maybe her death will.

The forensic pathologist stated that her broken ribs were caused by a heavy object running over her body, a car maybe, due to the blackened dirt on her skin and the tire traces on the crime scene. Maybe a third lucid dream will help me figuring things out?

I saw the old woman who found Susan's body, passing by, carrying plastic bags. She must be coming from the market place.

-"Hello, ma'am. My name is Miles, Miles Montgomery. Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked her.

-"Get away from me!" she yelled, her voice cracking up a bit as she started hitting me with her grocery, throwing a can of peas at my face which made a little cut on my left cheek.

-"Hey! Hey! Don't hit me." I shouted, bending down every time a pack of frozen meat would fly above my head. "Hey! I'm not gonna hurt you, ma'am. I am the detective in charge of Susan Studman's murder case. The body you found."

With that, she stopped being hysterical and started peering at me.

-"Oh... Sorry. My name is Saige." She apologized.

-"Hum... It's okay." I accepted, touching the little wound that was slightly bleeding. I started helping her by putting the items back in the shopping bags, still distrustful that she would go bananas.

-"Did you... Did you find who did it?" she asked.

-"We're still working on it." I admitted. "Would you like to tell me a little bit more about how you found her?"

-"I think that I have told everything that needed to be transmitted to the police." She claimed, trying to adjust her Elizabeth Taylor hairstyle. "There's nothing else I can help you with."

-"But... Haven't you seen anyone when you were here?" I questioned, hopeful.

-"Well..." she blurted, making me listen to her carefully. "It's strange but if my mind isn't playing tricks with me, I may have seen her moving."


-"Yes. I think so... Yes! Yes, I do remember that!" she exclaimed, almost making me jump out. "She kept saying something like... Something like "detective" and "police" you know, that kind of stuff. I tried to listen more but she already died."

I narrowed my eyes, trying to analyze her words. Why would Susan use this lexicon as her last words instead of giving clues to the old woman so she can help us in finding out who did it?

This doesn't make any sense. There's more to the story, for sure, and it only makes it worse.

-"Are you sure that you haven't heard any name?" I asked her, again.

-"Well... She did say "Dad" for a minute, I'm not sure. It was something like that." She informed, going back to her thoughts with her index finger on her lips.

-"Saige, focus." I begged, slightly irritated with the slowness of her brain. "Two minutes ago, you said that you told everything to the police and now, you're giving me major clues like it was no big deal?"

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