-Chapter 21- «The Verdict»

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The days fled like a thunderbolt and it was the succession of many troubling events that occurred in the Supreme Court.

A lot of witnesses were called to the stand to be questioned about Susan Studman, who died three weeks ago. She was found with an enormous gash in the head, a severe compound fracture in the skull, several broken ribs and a well cut "S" slashed on her wrist.

The murderer hit back in town and the women started to get worried if they were going to be the next victims on his list.

Susan's friends said that she was acting strangely, the last couple of days before her death, but they didn't suspect that she was being stalked or threatened. Her father came back to New York, more devastated than ever as he couldn't speak a word when he was crying non-stop on the stand. Garrett kept saying that Patricia didn't have anything to do with the killing.

An autopsy was settled, revealing that Susan was slaughtered when Patricia was already in jail, which was benefic to the case as the mail she sent to her was now considered an irrelevant evidence.

Today was the last day of her trial and we will, hopefully, get the verdict, by the end of the day.

Kendall, Larry, Harold and I were seated at our usual places, first bench on the left.

I was still feeling somehow remorseful about the hell that Patricia was put into while the others kept telling me that I did what I had to do, regardless to my integrity, and I shouldn't be ashamed of it.

How can I not feel ignominious when the woman was sexually assaulted, by a group of criminals, with a dirty stick in the common showers?

-"Your honor, we have established some amendments concerning Patricia Finn's case, adding an accusation of immoral business ran in the accused's domicile." The jury member announced.

-"Objection! Arguing the law, your honor! What the hell is this? There hasn't been a formal accusation before my client's trial so this could only be considered as an irrelevant decision to the murder case!" the attorney exclaimed, widening his eyes and squeezing his fists.

-"I suggest you watch your language first. This accusation wasn't official but it was approved on the last evidences against your client, considering the fact that her illegal business played a huge part in this whole gruesome series of deaths... Overruled." The judge decided, putting her eyeglasses on.

The attorney sat on his chair, putting his face in his hands while the prosecutor sneakily smiled at him, every now and then.

He poured himself a glass of water, gulped it fast before standing up again.

-"Your honor, the defense calls the detective Miles Montgomery on the stand."

I immediately lifted my eyebrows when I heard my name, confused as to why they chose me.

The investigation team looked at me, not understanding what the defense was plotting here.

-"Do you solemnly swear that you will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, under the pains and penalties of perjury?" the bailiff asked.

-"I do." I stressfully answered, making the audience laugh at my ridiculous response.

-"This isn't a wedding ceremony, Mr. Montgomery." The judge picked up, lifting one eyebrow to me.

-"Sorry..." I apologized, reddish. "I swear that the evidence I shall give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

What if I wanted to lie in order to save her from this mess?

Two Miles to HeavenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora