-Chapter 20- «The Trial»

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-"Good morning, please be seated." The judge greeted before sitting as well.

Two police officers closed the doors, announcing the opening of Patricia's first day of trial.

The housewives of the Upper East Side's 63rd Street came to assist at an early hour to collect as many information as possible for this Sunday's brunch gossip sessions, of course. The prosecutor was browsing the files whereas the attorney was whispering in Patricia's ear.

She was wearing a white Chanel suit that depicted her as an innocent woman who wouldn't hurt a fly with the Victorian-styled hair bun, the soft makeup and that sad expression plastered on her face.

I was seated behind her with Harold and Larry by my side.

-"Where's Kendall?" I asked, in a low voice.

-"Running some errands, she will come later." Larry informed, giving me a wink that says "Already daydreaming about her, Milo?".

We haven't spoken since that Christmas Eve party and it's killing me inside. This trial was an opportunity for me to break the silence so we could have a serious conversation, for once. It was about time.

-"We're on the record case number 13CF2044 state person Patricia Finn, all parties are present." The judge informed. "After reading the jury's instruction, does the defense want me to include the right to the accused to remain silent?"

-"No, your honor." The attorney declined. "The number of witnesses is small enough and we need as much testimonies as possible on the stand."

-"Fair enough. Is there anything else we need to take up before bringing the jury in?"

-"No, your honor. The first witness did not respond to their attendance when it came to the testimony's request so we shall proceed with the ones running late."

Wow, this is going to a whole new level of ridiculous. Who were the witnesses? Garrett? Eric?... Susan?

-"Okay. Jury member?"

-"Thank you, your honor. Mrs. Finn is being accused of aiding and abetting on the first degree murder of Elizabeth Miller, found dead at home in the Queen's. The killer's identity remains anonymous." One of the jury members stood up with a police officer showing pictures of Elizabeth's body, in the bathtub, to the audience.

-"And why is that?"

-"The investigation team is still working on that."

-"Thank you. You may take your seat back and the defense may proceed." The jury allowed.

Patricia's lawyer stood up, glancing at the jury from time to time.

-"My client is one remarkable housewife who spends her day taking care of her three children, cooking for her family, doing her house chores, etcetera. It's safe to say that her reputation doesn't coordinate with a murder case that has, practically, no proof against her." The lawyer complimented, which made me stifle a laugh as well as the rest of the audience.

One remarkable housewife? Oh, give me a break. Patricia noticed the reactions, seemingly hurt by it.

You get what you deserve.

-"The victim was found dead at around 4 am and my client's alibi can be proven with her internet's history that she was logged in and was fully using her desktop at 2 am, approximately..."

-"That gives her nearly two hours to commit a crime, your honor." The prosecutor interrupted him, throwing his hands in the air.

-"I was going to come to that point if you have let me finish my statement." The attorney glared. "Your honor, I would like to call my client on the stand."

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