-Chapter 29- «It Will All Get Better»

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-"Hum... I guess it's time for me to say goodbye to you." I avowed to Kendall, putting my suitcases next to the front door. "For good."

She turned around, looking at me as if I said something I shouldn't have. She gave me a look that sent a million messages. It was full of hope, a chance that I might get better if I ever got some medical help. It was full of compassion, sparkles of unpleasantness strewing inside her eye sockets. It was full of indulgence, that little eye twitch that she makes every time she feels sorry for someone.

A shameful feeling ran through my body as I witnessed her slowly walking towards me to give me a sweet kiss on my lips, taking me by surprise.

-"You're not saying goodbye." She informed, hugging me so tight. "You're going to disappear for a while to improve your health. Then, you're gonna come back and we're gonna plan that trip that we've been constantly talking about, when we were in school."

-"What about the phone?" I asked her, looking down. "I can't risk coming back to New York if I'm gonna be sought by the authorities, in a couple of minutes."

-"That's not going to happen if you get help in a hospital. They're not gonna arrest a..." She informed, stopping mid-sentence and biting her lip before closing her eyes in shame.

-"A psychopath." I finished it, figuring out the word that she was this close to say. "That's what you were going to tell me, right?"

-"I'm sorry." She looked at the floor, apologetic.

I smiled at her, tucking a few strands of her hair behind her left ear.

-"But it's true. That's what I am."

-"Stop saying that." She begged, kissing me again.

We kept staring at each other as if nothing was ever visible around. It was just us, two soulmates sending each other powerful vibes to fuel our love that we've been tasting during the last couple of seasons. Four brown eyes exchanging piercing gazes before shutting off so that two hungry mouths can seize each other for a deep craving kiss that proved to be something they've been yearning for a very long time.

-"Make love to me." I hastily requested, breaking the kiss. "One last time."

There were no two ways for her to agree on my demand as she grabbed my hand, taking me to the bed where we both fell on it, picking up on that magical kiss that was interrupted.

One hour, two hours, three hours, the whole night.

It took the whole night for the wildfire igniting in our bodies to burst into a gazillion fireworks, allowing us to reach the overwhelming climax that we have experienced in the most surreal way, over and over again.

-"I love you so much." She whispered, breathless.

-"I love you even more." I whispered as well.

Kissing her forehead that she rested on my chest, we both drifted to cloud nine for a peaceful night of sleep...

It was 3 am. I got woken up by Ken's voice whispering in the bathroom. She must be talking on the phone. Who is she calling, at this hour?

I quietly took a peek at the door ajar, seeing Kendall biting on her nails with her smartphone in her ear, mumbling words.

-"He's having a DID, Larry. It's not his fault if he unconsciously kills people." She angrily whispered.

I widen my eyes, astonished. Larry knows. He must have solved the mystery by going through my contacts on my phone or even checking my 'home' wallpaper which was a photo of Kendall cooking the most delicious lemon pie ever and making faces at the camera.

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