Chapter 13 - Ah? What's Only 3 More?

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"So can I stay???" He gave her a long hard look only for her to give him the wide cybercat optics. It was the same sad look Orian Pax had given him before he became a prime. It, was too much for Megatron.

"Fine, but you recharge on the couch and you listen when I tell you something. I'm hiding an underage femme. If I get caught I will lose my anonymity."

"Yes sir!" Orian saluted him.

He wanted to hit her already, and, it hadn't even been a Megacycle yet.

That had been a stellacycle ago now. Megatron had only hit Orian once simply because she'd harassed and harssed him to teach her to fight.



"Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please. PLEASE!!!"

Orian had harassed him for at least an astrocycle with her continus use of the word please. Megatron had calmed down considerably since the war but there was a limit to how much annoyance that once could take. He had lashed out smacking her in the chassis. Pax had gone flying across the room and SMACKED into the wall. She'd only glared at him.

"That's your first lesson little femme. Expect the unexpected. Always be ready for an attack. Watch your opponents movements. Find a weak spot. A falter in their movements."

"Wait so your going to teach me!"

"I might as well. Danger follows you eveywhere. Yesterday you punched a mech in the faceplate... silly femme."

"Great so when do we start?!"

So that's how he got saddled with teaching her self defense. Although he was sure it would lead to more trouble, eventually. He even decided to teach her the delicate work of a medic. It was a skill that he learned during his gladiatorial days. It had served him well and kept him alive.

"D-16!" Orian called out.

That was also part of the agreement. That she continued to use his original designation so that he could freely move about Cybertron. However in private she did call him Megatronus. To Orian he was her savior and protector. She couldn't see him as the Ex-Warlord Megatron. To her he was a Prime. Her Prime. At least that's what she told him. It was funny considering she was the reincarnation of an actual Prime.

Sigh. "What is it now Pax." He turned slowly to face her.

"There's younglings hidding over there." Orian pointed to some old crates a few metres from them. His gaze followed her pointing digits. He saw the younglings straight aways. They were dirty and only came up to Orian's thighs. He watched as she walked over to them.

Oh no. He knew that look. He was about to aquire three new apartment mates. Damn!

"Orian, leave them. I know it's hard but it's not your responsibility or mine."

Her response to him. Was a glare of anger. He backed of a pase or two. Orian Pax was of age and her carrier coding had just kicked in. He knew better than to get in the way of a femme and a youngling or younglings in this case.

Why him?

"Hey are you ok?" Orian spoke up.

"No, no as a matter of fact I'm not." Megatron declared hotly at her.

She whipped her helm around and gave him a hard look. "Not you! I was talking to the younglings."

He threw his arms in the air exasperated. He watched her kneel down infront of the little ones they instantly walked over to her and lached onto her. She swept them ino a hug. She spoke softly to them. He watched them converse.

She turned to him. "They're siblings. They ran aways from their creators."

He raised a brow ridge. "Why?"

She took an intake. "Their carrier is almost never home and when she is she ignores them. Their sire beats them. They said that his outtakes smell. Personally, I'd say he's a drunk."

Megatron looked at the little ones. If he brought them back, he'd have four underage younglings instead of the one. More trouble.

"Alright I'm not completely sparkless."

"Yes." She smiled at him.

"I'll provide like always but this is only on the condition that you are the one to care for them. You wanted them so they're your responsibility." He walked of muttering to himself.

She smiled sweetly at the little ones in front of her. "Come on. Lets go home. So what's your designations?"

The tallest one with the black paint spoke up first. "I'm Thundershock."

The femme with white paint was next. " Hiya I is Lightingshock."

The last one was medium grey. "Stormshock."

Orian smiled and all Megatron heard the whole way back was the younglings complaining that he was "a grumpy bot." He need "brightened up."

He knew they would be trouble. They were seekers. Seekers were always troublesome...

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