The Den

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"We have to leave our camp" says Giddian.

"We can't leave our stuff we'll freeze." I say.

"Its better then being killed, Oh yeah I forgot you wanted to die" He says in a harsh bitter voice.

"Would you knock it off, I did not want to die. I gave up that is all" I fire back.

"You didn't think I would rescue you?" He says squaring his jaw and stepping forward a bit.

"I didn't know" I whisper turning around and heading to our camp.

Giddian says nothing and follows stiffly behind me. Walking a few paces east I stop to collect some herbs.

"Oh come on Ila" Giddian says angrily. "We dont have time, they could find us."

"Hold on" I say in his direction.

Even though he was probably only a few paces behind me I still could not make his shape out in the foggy darkness. Quickening my pace, I pull up the remaining herds and lemon grass in my view. Using the long hem of my dress i make a makeshift basket. Tucking the herbs safely away we continue our journey to the camp.




"Hurry" Giddian whisper yells from behind me.

Practically running through the forest of vines and moss we come upon our small camp.

"Hurry pick anything valuable up and put it in the sack." Giddian huffs out.

Taking the burlap sack we got from the fishermans post. I quickly stuff all the belongings it originally held. Before putting the metal tin away. I gently brush the the herbs inside.Pushing the tin in the overslowing sack, I grab the torn cape and fasten the remaining part around my neck.

Glancing up through my works I catch Giddian Ripping down the part of the cape we used as a door. He rushes over to the fire that died out long ago takes the knife he had used to cut the bees branch. He takes a handful of soot and runs it across the blade till the old rusted thing gleams silver in the moon light. Taking another hand full he puts it in a makeshift pouch he must of made when I was on the beach. Straightening up he put a finger over his mouth signalling me to not make a sound. Walking swiftly north he starts to speed up. Clutching the sack tightly in my arms. I start to run to catch up to his fast stride. Making a quick turn to his right. We abruptly stop in front of a small den. Trusting Giddians judgement and completely ignoring my own I make my way down the dark den behind him.

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