Got One!

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Pushing the clams into the burlap sack I sit once again on the rough beach to await the fish.

Ten minutes.

Twenty minutes.

Thirty minutes.

Just as I was going to retreat back to the den to make clam soup instead of fish. I feel a gentle pull on the sting. It starts to get harder till the string is being forcefully pulled then snapped back. Scrambling to my feet to dig the pole out. I tightly grasp the pole in my hand and pill. No use it won't budge.Grasping my hands tighter till the knuckles turn white I yank on the sting with all my might. Tumbling back to land not so gracefully on my behind. I jump up to inspect my catch. Satisfied at its nice size i chop its head off barely flinching at the sight. Forcefully shoving the fish into the bag with the clams I sling it over my shoulder. Turning my back to the beautiful indigo ocean I head back to our camp.

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