Spring Cleaning

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 Once again waking to the pale golden sunlight that drifts through the dens entrance, I through the cape off no longer cold. Scanning the room for the likes of the stunt man from last night. Not finding him I stand and straighten the makeshift room. It wasn't very unusual to waking with Giddian nowhere in sight.

Remembering the time when I was around six and he was ten. Our mom had just finally agreed to let us camb up in our old tree house. I had been so excited. We had made our self a bed there and we brough games and toys other such things a child would bring. When I woke the next morning he was gone. At the time I was scared and didn't know where he could be. I though someone kidnapped him. So much for crying wolf. I had ran all the way home and told my mom that someone stolen him. She had gotten so scared she sent soldiers out to search for him. Father pledged war on the neighboring kingdom for kidnapping his son. Turns out he had just went swimming.

So now you can see it never really botheres me any more.

Thinking of my parents drew tears to my eyes.

Quickly wiping them away before they could fall over the ledge I went back to my cleaning.

Taking both the pieces of the long tattered cape I dig through the sack for the needle and thread. Sitting in the center of the room I get to work on sewing the cape together.

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