A great Discovery

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"you better have a good explanation".yang said with a voice that made Weiss's skin crawl.

"w-wait I-its not what it looks like", Weiss said stuttering.

"We were kissing there's no other way of telling you yang". Ruby said in a calm voice not embarrassed at all of what just happened.

Yang calmed down a little but was still angry about what happened.

All of them went to bed but ruby,she couldn't get the fact that Weiss,Weiss freaking schnee would kiss a low life like her. 

"  Why can't I get her off my mind". Ruby said

Ruby looked around the room looking at yang's bed to see if she was still up, but  sadly she was asleep, ruby  sighed and tried to fall back to sleep but failed in doing so . Ruby  got up and decided to take a short walk around the school .

Ruby grabbed  Crescent Rose  and walked  silently  towards the door slipping out without  waking up the others. Ruby  was out for awhile and still couldn't get Weiss out of her head even when she trained she got distracted  by what happened the night before.

Ruby gave up and walked towards the grass and lyed there for awhile but she didn't realize that it was almost morning.

Weiss was the first to wake up and went to take a shower, when Weiss got out  she realized that Ruby wasn't in the room.

"Hmm... I wander where Ruby went ". Weiss said 

Weiss decided to go and search for Ruby  she went to the training grounds but Ruby wasn't there, Weiss ran around the school trying to find Ruby.

" *pant*  where *pant * is she Ruby couldn't have gotten far ". Weiss said in a tired voice

Weiss looked around the grassy landscape and saw Ruby. Weiss walked over to Ruby but saw that Ruby was asleep.

Weiss's heart beated rapidly at the sight of Ruby.

"Why is she so hot asleep" Weiss said in a whisper.

{ sorry that I'm cutting this short its like 3am and I was up all night, But I hope you liked it comment and tell me if you guys like it bye^^}

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