Wait for me

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Hey, guys sorry for the wait, I've been busy with grades and everything but I hope you guys enjoy my story FYI it might be short since I'm still very busy :)

Two days have passed for the remaining of team RWBY, stress, pain, and sadness has filled the air because of a little rose that has gone missing the night of there mission.

¨What are we going to do now Yang?¨ Weiss asked looking determined towards Yang.

¨I-I don't know¨ Yang sighed ¨I just can't believe she was working with our number one ENEMY this entire time!¨ Yang said looking at the group knowing full well that they agree as well.

Weiss looked at her feet lost in deep thought while Blake just sat there messing with her hands as the room became silent.

Ruby's Pov

I've been tortured day after day after day, they barely feed me which shouldn't really be a surprise. The door started to open slowly, footsteps like heels starting to walking slowly towards me and other to my left. I looked up slightly only to be met with someone that I didn't want to meet ever since I left the organization.

¨Well we all knew you couldn't escape me babe¨

Cliffhanger~ hehehe sorry about that but I hope you enjoyed the really short story and who's the mystery, person? We might never know until next chapter ;-)  

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