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Its was around midnight and everyone in team rwby was already asleep except one, Ruby Rose she had the night shift that night everything was quiet and peaceful the only sound was the rest of her team's soft snores and the crackling of the fire. Zwei sat by Ruby keeping watch with her.

Ruby sighed "Why can't the night go any faster?" Ruby asked herself.

"Well maybe your just impatient Red." Ruby's eyes went wide with fear plastered clearly on her face.

 "H-How did you find me Torchwick?" Ruby asked sweat falling off her face feeling his presence get closer to where she was.  Torchwick chuckled "Oh it really wasn't that hard little red remember we do have connection to one another" Torchwick said walking in front of Ruby giving her a sicking smirk. Ruby panicked more sweat falling down her face.

 "I-I said i was done torch!" Ruby yelled grabbing her weapon but was shot in the arm "AHHHHH!" Ruby fell to the ground wounded blood pooling out of her arm. The rest of team RWBY woke up from the terrifying noise. "What the hell was that?" Yang asked looking around to the direction of the screaming until she laid eyes on Ruby wounded next to Torchwick ready to dart out of the building with her.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?" Yang yelled bolting towards Torchwick but Neo made a glass allusion running off with Torchwick and the unconscious Ruby.


Hey guys sorry that i haven't uploaded in days! its been awhile i've been grounded for awhile so that doesn't help, Oh and im soo~ soory that this is so short but i had to at least upload something, i would like if you guys can give me some idea's for the next chap BYE!

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