The week

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Team RWBY well team WBY for now had to go back to beacon, Yang had refused to leave her sister behind but soon summited later on, now the remaining of the team was trying to find a way to get Ruby back.
"Come on guys how are we supposed to find her?" The blond brawler asked

"We could use Zwei to sniff her out if, No, WHEN we find Ruby we have to be prepared." Weiss said looking at Zwei with determination. "And we leave tonight".
It's been a full week since Ruby was captured, Roman had other plans other than killing the red caped hero. He was going to make her into the killing machine that she once was.

Ruby's POV
I've been tortured for almost two weeks now, they broke my left arm after the incident that happened this morning.

Shocks of electricity hit Ruby one after another, after the  torture ended, men in black suits started to untie Ruby. Once they untied her arms a blur of red surrounded the two men in black, they both yelled in pain, but suddenly someone kicked Ruby to the ground a rush of pain going to her left arm 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" Ruby yelled, trying to pick up her arm but only making it worse in the process.

"Really Red", Roman said sighing in frustration, "You killed one of my men and stab the other one in the eye.... I got to say I'm pretty impressed, and I can't wait to see you break." Roman started to laugh.

End of flashback~

No-ones pov~
Ruby sat down as she was waiting for  Roman and Neo to come in as they normally did, Roman leaning on the wall while Neo tried seducing Ruby.
Ruby started to slowly break after many sessions of torture, but today was the day that Roman would put Ruby through a test, An assassination. After a couple of minutes Roman and Neo popped into the room, Neo had some type of red jar in her hand, forcefully opening Ruby's mouth to pour it in. Ruby's body started burning up but the pain quickly left as soon as it was there. 

"What did you do to me!" Ruby yelled feeling a little light headed, Roman looked at Ruby with a smirk on his face "Oh nothing much, we just gave you an antidote that way you'll break a lot more easier." Roman said laughing a little. 

"We have a small mission for you Red", Roman said putting his hand in his jacket, pulling out a  photo, showing it to Ruby. "We want the Heiress dead and the matter of fact I want your entire team dead!" Laughter filled the room as Roman started to rip the picture. Ruby started to cry knowing things might not end her way, then started to speak. "I-I will never help the likes of y-you" Ruby said, she started to get sleepy her eyes started to close, when she looked up Neo mouthed her one thing before leaving. "I'll destroy everything that you love, babe."

I'm soooooooo sorry for the late update this chapter is probably shit because it was rushed and i've gotten no type of motivation so it might be all over the place, but I just hope that you've enjoyed it anyways, until next time *bows*. 

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