Chapter 10

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Ruby woke up to nothing but darkness, she tried to get up but was tied down with a type of chain? She felt a sharp pain in her arm. "Well look who decided to wake up!" Someone said and turned on the light's, Ruby closed her eye's shut from the sudden light only to open then to see Roman Torchwick smirking at her. "What do you want Roman, I said that I was done!" Ruby yelled at him with anger and panic in her voice trying to get free of her restraints. "Man red I thought you would have liked to see me again," Roman said getting closer to Ruby making her more nerves then she already was. "C-Come on Roman you know I left for an r-reason, I wanted to do more than interrogate innocent people!" Ruby said panicked still trying to get out of the chains.

Roman started to laugh loudly scaring Ruby. "Oh red, you poor, poor child. We both know that you liked it just as much as I did~" Roman said now fully in front of Ruby, bending down getting eye level with her. Ruby didn't say a thing looking away from Roman. Roman got up and stared at Ruby, " LOOK AT ME!" Roman said kicking Ruby in the chest making her cough up some blood. " No one will find you red, you'll die here like the rest of the traitor's!" Roman said very angry at this point in time and walked out of the room slamming the door in the process.


I'm so sorry about the short, very short story but I have a lot on my plate and would love to make more stories but can't with things going on in life. But i hope y'all have a great night/day, until next time ;)

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