Wait for me 2

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Hey everyone, I saw that you guys really enjoyed my last chapter and I really enjoy your guy's comments, so have a nice day/night and let's get into this story :-)

¨Well we all knew you couldn't escape me babe¨

¨N-Neo?¨ Ruby said freaking out, with just the sight of her makes Ruby wanna regret everything.

She pulled out a marker and started writing on the little sign that she had, she then turned it around and look at Ruby with a smugged grin on her face.

¨I've missed you y'know, the way you used to..touch me.¨

Neo looked at Ruby and then started writing again her smile fading slowly but then it slowly turned into anger.

¨What happened about that, I miss you and I want you back Ruby!¨

Ruby looked at Neo and then looked at the ground, she then opened her mouth.

¨You and I both know that's not gonna happen Neo, my heart belongs to one and one only.¨ Ruby said looking at her with a grin on her face.

Ruby hasn't recognized the person that was behind her until it hit her on the cheek leaving a bruise.

¨You little bitch, learn some respect!¨ Said the voice that hit Ruby

Ruby looked to where she was hit and saw Adam there, Ruby wasn't really scared of Adam she knew his weaknesses and could kick his ass pretty easily.

¨Fuck off goat boy!¨ Ruby said with looking at him with her shit eating grin

¨I'm a bull for fuck sacks!¨ Adam said getting angry at Ruby

¨Well who the fuck car-AHHHH!¨

Ruby was cut off when Adam stabbed her in the gut.

¨YOU WILL LEARN YOUR PLACE RED!¨ Adam yelled shielding his sword and stormed out of the slightly dark room.

¨Until next time Ruby.¨ Neo wrote and started to walk towards the door until she stopped and started writing again.

¨Ice queen is good as dead¨ Neo walked out of the room.

Ruby saw those few words and gritted her teeth.

¨Wait for me Weiss, wait for me¨

I hope you guys enjoyed this story, until next time Chow! ;-)

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