The unexpected

427 11 15

No-ones pov 

"RUBY WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH U COULD HAVE KILLED ONE OF US!" Yang yelled looking at the bullet hole that was next to her

"Oops I didn't mean to miss, sorry" Ruby said giving them a sickening grin that ran fear down there spin. The team looked at each other in complete shock and fear and then back to Ruby.

"Ruby is that really u?" Weiss said almost stuttering 

"Oh Weiss, sweet sweet Weiss i'm the red reaper now" Ruby said slamming her scythe into the ground "And I have one mission and sadly that's wasting my time killing u"  Ruby charged at the Heiress. The battle latest for awhile everyone but Ruby panting with scratches and blood running down there body. Out of nowhere Roman walked from behind Ruby snickering, Yang's eye's turned beat red fuming with anger 

"TORCHWICK WHAT DID U DO TO MY SISTER!" Yang yelled limping forward with her hands clenched. Roman started laughing and wiped a small tear away from his eye and spoke 

"Red really didn't tell u not even her own sister?" Roman said laughing slightly "Red here use to be the best of the best in the WhiteFang, took down and MURDERED innocent people for sport. LADY'S! the Ruby you know is no longer, RED REAPER HAS ENTERED THE RING ONCE AGAIN!" Roman said laughing like a mad man 

There was a gasped among the three girls, Yang and Weiss looked in the direction of Blake. Blake's eye's where wider then she even thought possible and started backing up slowly her hands shaking.

"Y-Your the red r-reaper!" Blake yelled shaking violently. The rest of the team looking shocked of Blake's sudden outburst then Blake started to speak again. "I've heard story's of the red reaper how they killed those villagers, tortured innocent's for nothing!" 

Ruby started to clap slowly as she slowly approached the three huntresses in training, "Very good kitty cat u deserve a cookie, but we can't have that little secret come out to the public now can we?" Ruby said in her normal cheery voice smiling at Blake. 

Ruby charged at the group laughing "IM GOING TO KILL EVERY. LAST. ONE OF U!"

HELLLLLLLLLLO AGAIN~ So i ain't dead yay! But sorry that I haven't been active I just kinda forgot and also got really lazy since my last update but i hope that u guys enjoy this one and I might make more who knows. CHOW ;3.

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