love in a lake

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BONK! "Huh? What was that?" Moon thought sitting up angry to be awoken from a pleasant dream by something hard hitting her head. It was the middle of the night. She silently fumbled around trying to find the thing that had hit her trying her best not to wake a snoring kinkajou. "AHA!" Moon thought as she found the object under carnelians bed. "Carnelian" Moon thought a tear glistening on her cheek in the moonlight."I could have saved her"

It was a small rolled up scroll. Moon unrolled it. "Come to the largest underground lake" it said in an untidy scroll. "Why would someone throw this at me?" she questioned as she stood up hitting her head as she came out with a loud KONK.

"More bananas" mumbled kinkajou almost awakened by the noise.

"Ouch" thought moon rubbing her head as she stood up. She headed out of her cave as she headed towards the underground lake a million questions buzzing in her mind, who was this note writer? What did he want? Why did he want her to go to the lake? Was this a trick to embarrass her? Moon stopped. "Should I turn back?" she thought. "No. I guess not. It is almost impossible to embarrass me any ways."

When moon got to the underground lake she was surprised to see qibli sitting on a small island in the middle of the lake.

"Hi Qibli." moon said startling qibli so much he jumped right into the lake.

"Moon! You scared me." qibli said jumping out of the water and back on the island were moon had flown to while he was in the water.

"Sorry. I didn't know you were here." Moon said as he climbed back on the island.

"So why are you here?" qibli asked scutching closer to moon.

" Oh. Someone through a small scroll at me and told me to met them here." moon said. "I don't know why."

"That was actually me." qibli confessed rubbing his claws over the frill on his neck.

"Oh my gosh he is so cute." Moon thought as she watched him start to turn red in the face as he rubbed his neck.

"What? Why?" Moon asked.

"I was wondering..." qibli started as he started to rub his neck faster and his face turned so red it looked like a gigantic tomato.

"Yes, spit it out."

"Would you like to date me?" he questioned as he looked at her hopefully. Moon was so happy she pounced on him."Is that a no?" qibli asked looking as though she had just stepped on his heart. Moon did not answer instead she slipped her arms around his neck and pushed his head forward until his lips met hers. He let out a cry of joy and hugged her as the happy couple lay on the ground. Not knowing... Not realising... That another dragon was standing just outside the cave crying in heartbreak.

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