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Moon was flying over the desert. She had already asked a lot of dragons if they had seen qibli or winter. Earlier that day a sandwing had told her that he saw both of them being carried off towards the peninsula. Moon thought a lot about who she was going to be with after she rescued them.

"I could go with winter." she thought. "He is such a mess without me." she thought thinking about the day after her and qibli started dating laughing to herself.

"I really don't think I should go with qibli." She said out loud. "I really just don't know what happened in that month we were together. It felt like I was drugged nothing that happened really seemed clear." Moon said scratching her head. Moon's stomach rumbled as if scolding her for not eating enough. It was true moon had been eating less and less with worry over winter and qibli. Moon swooped down towards the small forest a couple of miles away.

"I think I should just eat some fruit." Said moon but her unborn child(or children?) longed for fresh meat so moon found a perfectly sized tree (not to tall so it would take her too long to get to the ground but not too close to the ground so that her prey would see her coming. Moon sat there for several hours thinking about how the pregnancy conversation would go over with the boys.

"Huh?" thought moon hearing the rustling of leaves "What was that?" A goat walked into the clearing and started grazing not even noticing the dragon directly above it. Moon launched at it. A sudden pain flared through her stomach making her grunt before she got to the goat. The goat looked up and saw the dragon plummeting from the sky and started running away but not before Moon drew blood. The bleeding bleating goat ran into the forest.

"It's just a kick, it's just a kick." moon told herself. "Grrr WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH?!?!?!?" Just then something rustled in the bushes. Moon stood up to see... the largest black bear she had ever seen. It must have been near by and smelled the blood she had drawn from the goat. The bear growled at her getting up on it's hind legs. Moon flew up in the air to make herself look bigger And produced a roar that so loud it woke queen Glacier(okay for those of you who have seen ice age it sounded like Rudy if not it sounded like a lion's through a megaphone). Moon barreled into the bear ripping it's under belly to pieces. The bear roared trying to get her off by clawing at her wings. This had the opposite effect. Moon lifted her head up to the black bears and barb-a-qed it's face instantly killing it. Moon roasted it and started to dig in eating as much as she wanted(which means every edible part of the bear).

"Whew." said moon when she finished. "I think I should walk a little while so I don't get stomach cramps." Moon started walking. Soon she came to a large bush. Moon peered through it. What she saw made her gasp.

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