parties, beehives and itiots

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"Where's moon?" thought qibli as kinkajou said that it was okay for them to come in and that she was going to start decorating outside.

"Wait a minute winter is gone too." thought qibli his mind tracing back to when they kissed at the restaurant.

"Is....Is moon cheating on me?" thought qibli walking into the woods

"Naa. That's stupid." he said looking through the bushes and seeing...

"Moon!" yelled qibli leaping into the clearing. Moon was wrapped in winter's arms both of them looking up huddling in fear.

"What are you doing with this... this... Icewing!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" he shouted at her. Moon didn't respond instead she pointed up into the tree.

"What is there a squirrel in the tree." he teased looking up into the tree. Qibli must have jumped a foot in the air when he saw the beehive that he to this day claims to have been as big as clay.

"Don't worry, I will save you." he said picking up a small stone and trying not to look as scared as he felt. Moon and winter quickly started shaking their heads but it was too late. Qibli pitched the stone and hit the hive so hard it came off of the tree and landed at his feet. Qibli had just enough time to say uh oh before the bees were on him. Qibli screamed and dashed out of the clearing, through the woods (to grandmother's house we go) onto the lawn and into the pool. The bees would still not leave him alone they stung him until none of them were alive any more.

"Uh." said qibli as he sat up and walked into the house to try and find a bathroom. Qibli found the one on the lower level and found the first aid kit in the cabinet. Qibli was allergic to bee stings and he always found the medicine in a regular first aid kit. Qibli found it right after his forked tongue started swelling up.

"Does moon not like me any more?" he thought as he waited for the medicine to set in. "Wait. she is just trying to make me jealous. Well I am not falling for you tricks moon. I am not going to be jelly of winter(Henry danger)." qibli sat up and walked out of the bathroom.

qibli had not noticed the beautiful decorations when he was trying to find the bathroom. He gaped at the lanterns hanging all around the rooms making them glow red and orange and gold, realistic palm trees in every room, the mistletoe with tiny coconuts and pineapples instead of holly berries, warmth themed cups and plates and a large cake under a large heart sign that said valentines treats. On the cake it said "this party's ship" with more room for a picture and a couple name.

Soon the guests arrived. There was clay,sunny,tsunami,riptide,glory,deathbringer,starflight and fatespeaker. It was about five minutes later that moon and winter showed up. Qibli was walking over to talk to her when

"Okay party guest. LET'S START SOME PARTY GAMES!!!!" shouted kinkajou over the noise as she pulled out a small empty coke bottle.

"Oh great." said glory as everyone started arranging themselves into a circle. "Spin the bottle."

"I thought you liked spin the bottle." said deathbringer

"I do but not with you." glory said as deathbringer started smirking.

"Royalty first." said kinkajou extending the bottle towards glory.

"Why thank you." said tsunami snatching the bottle out of her hand. Tsunami spun the bottle so hard it was a blur. When the bottle was slowing down it was pointing towards riptide... Then it spun a little more so that it pointed at clay. Tsunami looked very unhappy, clay looked confused and riptide looked relieved. Right when they were walking to the middle of the circle... DING DONG went the doorbell.

"I got it." said moon getting up and walking towards the door. When she got to it she turned the slightly squeaky knob and opened it and saw...

oh cliff hanger. please comment on what you think is behind the door.

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