guard duty

920 11 10

It was the third night of flying. They would be in Possibility in two more days.

"That looks like a good place to stop for the night." Moon said taking the eggs in her back talons and pointing down to a small clearing in the mountain forests. The two carefully landed in the clearing making sure the eggs carefully landed on the ground.

"I'll take first watch." Said winter wrapping his tail around the eggs.

"Okay." Yawned moon as she went to sleep in the grass.

Winter felt his eyelids droop. "No no. I can't fall asleep. I'm guarding the eggs." Winter thought. But it had been a long day. And winter nodded, then nodded again, and boom. He was sound asleep.

What was that? Something large and dark with sharp talons snatched the eggs and fled off into the night. Leaving only a large bloody talon print in the dirt.

Hey guys! It's me Winterwatcher207. I would really like it if you would comment on who you think the mystery egg napper is. Winterwatcher207 out. 

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