another island

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CAW! CAW! "Huh?" thought winter sitting up rubbing his head. "What happened?" he thought as he looked around the island the events of last night coming back to him. "MOON!" he thought releasing he did not know where she was. He started walking because his wings were sore looking for her. "MOON!" he shouted when he found her passed out a ways down the beach. Winter noticed there was a cave a little ways into the jungle he picked up moon, put her on his back and carried her to the cave."This is all my fault." thought winter sitting against the opposite side of the wall."She wouldn't be here if I had not run away from her." thought winter starting to regret running. "I should probably try to wake her up now." He sighed walking back to the beach.

Splash."Uh." said moon. "Where am I?" she said her vision starting to clear.

"Hi." said winter nervously."How are you feeling?" Moon punched him in the face.

"What do you think?!" she said. "I'M MILES AWAY FROM HOME, I DON'T KNOW WHERE I AM, I'M HUNGRY AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!!" she yelled as he huddled against the opposite wall quivering in fear. She shoved him to the side and walked outside taking off as she reached clear air. The second she took flight she slammed into a tree.

"Of course the lightning hit me." she thought bitterly as she sat up rubbing her head and headed back to the cave.

"I want you to fly away find our friends or someone else and get me out of here." she said as she grabbed winter. Winter nodded and ran out of the cave.

Winter tried to take of when he reached the beach but fell out of the sky into the water. Winter swam out of the water and started back to the cave to tell moon the bad news.

"Moon." said winter entering the cave.

"Why are you still here?" asked moon turning around with a angry look.

"Moon I can't fly so we are stuck here." said winter cowering under moon's glare. Moon let out a sigh, sat against the wall and started rubbing her forehead.

"I'm sorry winter." said moon starting to calm down. "I was so scared when I woke up I took it out on you."

"Hey." said winter sitting down and putting his hand on her shoulder."It's going to be OK."

"No it's not." said moon starting to cry. "We're going to be here forever."

"MOON!" said winter grabbing her shoulders and lifting her face up to eye level with his. "If we give up we are not going to survive this. So let's make a house out of this cave and gather some food. Just think of this as a vacation. Everything will be alright. Let's start with building the house." Winter said leading moon out of the cave and into the jungle.

"First let's gather some leaves to make a, sorry, beds." using his tail to sweep some leaves on the ground into a small pile. Winter then picked them up and took them back to the cave as moon started to do the same. Winter started laying down his leaves in the fare left hand corner. Moon started putting her leaves in the opposite corner when she suddenly stopped, picked up her leaves and started putting them with winters bed.

"What are you doing?" winter asked his face turning slightly blue when Moon came over.

"I thought that if we were going to stay here we might as well get comfortable with each other." Moon said. "Actually I really like you, but you will never like me." Moon thought as winter thought the same thing.

"How about we start building something to keep our food cold so it doesn't spoil?" said winter liking the sound of we in his voice.

"I think that would be a great idea." said moon thinking about how cute winter is as they walked into the jungle to find sticks to make a refrigerator.


"There." said winter setting down the large refrigerator on the opposite side of the wall from their bed.

"It's perfect." said moon. "But know what do we do?" she said shrugging her shoulders.

"Let's go find some food." Winter suggested "You can hunt because your a lot better than me and I will go find some fruit."

"OK." said moon zoning out at the word hunt and starting to think more about how cute winter is.

"We'll meet back here in approximately one hour." called Winter over his shoulder as he walked into the woods.

"OK, where would I find some prey." said moon walking the other way for awhile listening with all of her might. Suddenly she felt a large amount of calmness coming from behind some trees and bushes.

"What the heck." moon whispered as she peered through the bushes. Beyond the bushes was the largest herd of goats she had ever seen in her life, and honestly moon had been on some pretty big goat hunts in the forest.

"Should I kill all of them, or should I just pick some off every once in awhile?" moon thought watching the goats.

"I'll just pick a few off every once in awhile."moon thought as she quickly and quietly killed the nearest goat to her and pulled it into the bushes with her. Moon looked at the sky smiling in victory when her smile dropped. She had already been gone for almost an hour.

"I have to get back." she said as she started to walk back. About halfway back she saw a wild boar on the path she had taken earlier, so she quietly snuck up behind it and bit it with all of her strength instantly killing it.

"Winter is going to be so mad at me for being late." Moon thought as the sun started to set.


Winter spent the entire hour picking mangos and thinking about moon. When he got back he was surprised to see that moon was not back yet.

"She will be home soon." thought winter putting the fruit in the bottom half of the refrigerator and starting to worry.

Soon it was dark and winter was starving. He had not had anything to eat since the night before yesterday. He was currently laying on the ground in front of the cave.

"Please get home soon moon." winter mumbled. Suddenly he heard something coming from the jungle. He couldn't tell exactly what it was but he knew it was big. Right before it came to the part before the cave, it stopped. Winter stayed as silent as possible the next few minutes, But the thing in the jungle started moving again after winters stomach growled. The next thing Winter knew the thing was stepping through the trees. It was...

"MOON!" yelled winter leaping at her with all of his might knocking her to the ground as he started hugging her.

"Moon I was so worried, don't ever do that again... YAY MEAT!" winter yelled grabbing the wild boar and eating the whole thing in five minutes(which was pretty impressive, it was a HUGE boar)

Pretty soon they were in bed after a chat about what had happened.

"Moon." said winter

"Yes Winter?" said moon starting to get even closer to him in the bed as Winter's face started turning blue.

"There is something I have been meaning to tell you for awhile now." said winter

"Yes." Moon said looking up into his icy blue eyes.

Winter started to open his mouth but closed it sighed and said "You would make fun of me if I told you."

"It's okay." said moon "I won't make fun of you."

Winter sighed "Moon." he started "I... I love you."

"I love you too winter." said Moon. Suddenly they both sat up, Moon wrapped her claws around Winters neck and shoved his lips to hers as winter started hugging her, their tails entwined

"I did it." thought winter "I told her and the world didn't fall to pieces."

"This is what a first kiss should be like." thought moon. After about five minutes they stopped kissing and laid back down feeling faint from the kiss.

"Moon." said winter. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes winter I would like that very much." said moon as she huddled closer to winter, cuddling with him as they fell asleep.

Hello my friends and fans! If you are wondering how I got this chapter back my mother helped me with it. please don't forget to vote comment and share!

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