plans and anger

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"WINTER YOU SEA SLUG WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Moon shouted into Winter's ear making him jump a mile high.

"What?" Asked Winter rubbing his head.

"Where are the eggs?" Moon asked tapping her foot.

"Oh they are ri... Oh poop." Winter said looking at were the eggs were that night.

"OH POOP?!?!?!?!?" Moon shouted at him. "YOU LOSE YOUR EGGS AND SAY 'oh poop will just have to make some more' I MEAN WHO DOES THAT?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!"

"I didn't say that!" backtalked winter.

"Yes you did and I have a surprise for you mister! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN! And don't come crawling back with your apologies because I am Not going to listen. Qibli was never this carless. And guess what? I heard that he is single again. So I am going back with him because he never lost my eggs." Moon shouted at winter and took off into the woods in the direction of the talon print. She was not going to let Winter see her cry.

"Moon?" Winter whispered starting to cry.

"Moon?" He asked again.

"Oh what have I done?!?!?!" Winter shouted to the sky the tears flowing now.

"I'm a terrible parent. I lost my dragonets before they even hatched. Oh Moon how could I lose you?!?!?" Winter shouted as he curled up into a ball and started sobbing.

Then an Idea hit him hard. He could go and find the eggs. He knew Moon loved him and if he got her eggs back they would for sure be back together.

"Wait for me Moon!" Winter shouted into the trees and tor after her.

"Ha ha ha ha ha." went a dark voice in the trees. "They'll never make it before my plan is finished." The dark voice retreated further into the forest it's dark laughter echoing through the trees.  

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