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Beep!..... Beep! Went the heart monitor in Moons room several months later. Moon had still not woken up. Winter was sitting at the edge of her bed holding her hand.

"Moon." Said Winter the tears continuing to fall. "This is all my fault."

"Excuse me sir?" asked a nurse. "The doctor says she is in a lot of pain and that she is most likely going to die within the next day. He also says that the hospital is closing for visitors."

"Can I have a moment?" Winter asked not turning around.

"Yes sir." said the nurse exiting the room and closing the door behind her. Winter started bawling.

"Oh Moon I'm going to miss you so much!" sobbed Winter. "But I will be strong for you. I wish you could hear me" The heart monitor suddenly started showing that moon's heart had stopped. Winter leaned forward and unclipped the heart monitor ashe made his way to moon's lips. There lips met for a deep kiss, ice blue tears sliding down both sets of scales. Winter was resting his head on moon's shoulder when he felt a flutter.

"Moon?" Asked Winter as he felt two more. He felt a warm breath on his shoulder that smelled like the jungle.

"Moon!" Said winter looking at her closed eyes. Sudenly those closed eyes fluttered open.

"Winter?" Moon asked in a weak voice. Winter let out a yell of surprise.

"Winter!" Moon said and grabbed his neck and made his lips meet her's, tears of joy sliding down both of their faces. They both came up gasping for air.

"Ouhh..." Said Moon clutching her stomach and making sounds of pain.

"I feel so bad." Moon said making more sounds of pain and starting to sweat.

"Moon what's wrong?" Winter asked looking confused.

"Winter! It's coming!" Shouted moon as the doctors started charging in and Winter started getting even more confused and getting worried. The doctors picked up Moon and carried her to a room down the hall and wouldn't let Winter in.

Several hours later

"Moon!" Shouted Winter as he ran into the room. "What happened?" He asked as he stopped in front of her bed. Moon turned to look at him. She was holding three perfect eggs wrapped in the softest blankets Phyria had to offer. Winter picked one up. It was a beautiful black dark as night with white speckles of stars and snowflakes. It was perfect. Winter carefully set it down and wrapped his tail around it, keeping it warm. He reached for the next. This egg was bigger than normal but perfect all the same. It's shell told stories of snowstorms on a moonlit night. He set it down next to the other and reached for the last one. Moon sheepishly handed it over. This egg was as warm as the desert sand and was a sandy yellow with black flecks.

"You did it with him." Winter said his voice cold, angry at this abomination of Qibli's.

"It wasn't my fault." Said Moon reaching for her egg back as motherly instincts rose inside of her. Winter pulled the egg out of reach.

"What do you mean not your fault?" asked winter. Moon explained the earring and how Qibli tried to force her to love him.

"I think we should get rid of this egg." said Winter glaring at it.

"I think you're right. It'll be Qibli's to take care of." said Moon taking the egg in her hands. "But for now let's take care of the eggs and get back to possibility."

After a nap for Moon which the nurses insisted on, it was time for the long flight back to Possibility. Moon picked up the blanket the egg was wrapped in with her teeth. Winter did the same as moon picked up the last egg in her talons. They took flight into the night sky hoping they would make it in time. 

Hi guys! Thanks for not giving out on me in the last few chapters. What kind of author would I be to drag you along all of this way for moon to die and not say that it was a one shot. If it was I would have put it in there. 

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