embarrassing surprises

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"Hello Moonwatcher household!" shouted kinkajou as she barreled into the house. Moon was catching up on all of winter's notes.

"Hi kinkajou." Moon said in a sad way.

"Moon." said kinkajou "I know you are sad that the boys left but I want you to quit acting like it is the end of the world so we can do something fun! I figured out the embarrassing thing for you to do." Kinkajou said.

Moon sighed "Okay, what have you got for me kinkajou?" asked moon.

"I want you... " started kinkajou. "To go to doctor mayfly and tell her that your butt hurts and rub it like it does." Kinkajou finished watching moon's face turn red.

Moon groaned "Do you have to watch?" asked moon.

"Yes." said kinkajou. Soon they were at doctor mayflies clinic.

"Doctor mayfly." started moon doing very well keeping her face under control so she wouldn't blush. "My butt hurts."

"Well let's have a look." said doctor mayfly putting on her stethoscope. "You know the downward dog position?"

"Yes." said moon.

"I want you to do that on the examining table." said doctor mayfly patting the table in the middle of the room

"Okay." said moon getting on the table and doing the downward dog while kinkajou smothered giggles.

"Moon I am going to feel your butt to see if there is any bruising or swelling is that okay with you?" asked doctor mayfly

"I guess." said moon shifting uncomfortably. Doctor mayfly started feeling moon's butt as kinkajou started looking as though she was going to explode with giggles.

"Does she have to watch?" asked doctor mayfly continuing her work.

"She insisted on it." said moon. When doctor mayfly felt one certain part moon jumped.

"OOOWWW!!!" said moon making kinkajou stop laughing.

"That really hurt." said moon sitting up and rubbing her butt.

"I think that's the spot that is causing you pain." said doctor mayfly "Could you let me feel it."

"Sure." said moon as she got into the downward dog position again. Mayfly started feeling the spot again muttering as she did so and as she did moon's face showed great pain.

"I have figured it out." said Mayfly raising a claw in the air. "I didn't think this was possible." she muttered.

"What's not possible mayfly?" asked moon.

"You want to know?"


"You really want to know?"


"Are you sure you want to know?"

"YES!!!! Just tell us what moon has already." said kinkajou.

"Moon there is no calming way to say this." said doctor mayfly. "Moon. you're pregnant." said doctor mayfly after a long pause.

"WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" shouted moon.

"You're pregnant." said mayfly again. "And I would like to know who the father is because I don't want to have to do a fraternity test if I don't have to."

"I really don't know who the father is so I would like you to do that test." said moon getting a pretty good idea who the father was.

When mayfly came back with the results she seemed pretty confused.

"Is this some kind of joke?" asked mayfly.

"No." said moon taking the results and reading them her eyes popping out of her head.

"There is only supposed to be a first name on the results." said mayfly.

"This is not one full name." said moon "It's two different dragons."

MWAHAHAHA cliff hanger

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