Chapter 4

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Two-Bit's P.O.V
The chocolate cake was starting to get to me, and I was getting real hot. My shirt was already off, and my hair was sweating me up real good. The sweat drenched my smooth raging hair, leaving some to melt down my face and above my brow. It rained down into my mouth, and I couldn't help myself, so I spit to the side. "Two-Bit, you alright?" Soda came up beside me, a beer in his hand. "Yeah, just hot." Soda sat down, and I pulled my arm over his shoulder, "Ok."

It was getting dark and everybody was either asleep or outside. I wasn't the only one inside, but I was the only one in the living room. "Two-Bit, you've been asleep for a while. It's about time you wake up." Darry came in, his shirt removed and a towel around his shoulders. "How was the shower?" "Haven't got in yet. If you wouldn't of woken up, who would've woke you up?"  He smirked and chuckled, heading off to the bathroom.

Steve's P.O.V
I had my arm around Y/N's shoulder, and the other around Soda's. Y/N was sleeping beside me, their head up against the side of my chest, and Soda was curled up, humming a little tune. "Soda, I's need some help here." I said, slowly getting up, lifting Y/N with me. Soda got up, coming to the other side of me, and grabbing Y/N, lifting them up as well.

We carried Y/N to Soda's room, finding Ponyboy sitting down in the hallway with Johnny beside him. They quickly scattered away, and we rushed into the room, setting Y/N on the bed. Soda left me all alone with Y/N, as I stood there, staring at them. I pushed their hair from their forehead back, and placed a small kiss on their forehead. Smiling, I backed away, heading out of the room. Soda was laying on the couch, Two-Bit beside him, their arms hanging over each other's shoulders, and their eyes meeting the T.V.

Your P.O.V
I woke up to the smell of chocolate cake, and blankets wrapped around me. I noticed Soda and Ponyboy laying on the ground, blankets covering them, and I started to wonder why they were there. Steve popped into the room, his eyebrows raised, and his eyes widened. I smiled, feeling safety rush over me as he walked over. He helped me up and walked me out to the kitchen, and Soda followed me out. "Mornin' Darry." Soda said, rubbing his eyes. "Soda." Darry nodded a bit and turned back to the fridge, digging around for eggs, milk, or something like that.

I turned to Steve who had his around around my shoulder. He dragged his hand through his hair, ruffling it around a bit before finally shaping it upwards. Two-Bit looked like he had a hangover, and was already drinking a beer by the T.V. It seems they don't get invited in, they just invite themselves in. "I should be heading home now..." I mumbled, folding my hands together. Steve looked at me as if I was crazy, "Go? Why would you want to leave here? To leave me? To leave us!" I scrambled back a bit, my head shaking and my ears ringing with pain.

"Steve, calm down." Soda interrupted the conversation and pushed Steve back a bit, Steve not hesitating to hit him. "Why?!" "Steve, please, this isn't you." Steve bring his hands to his head and puffed out some air, sitting down on the couch. I wanted to rush over, but felt too scared to even move. I slowly reached out to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Just go." He didn't even look at me, and I slowly nodded, "I'll be back later." I quickly rushed out of the house, trying not to run too fast.

Before I knew it, I was at my place, just skipping along, the gravel enticing at my feet. I couldn't help but feel as if I was being watched, and it was just bugging me. I slipped my shoes off and set them aside as I entered the house, and off to my room I went. It was the same old room, empty as ever, no talking, no posters, no decorations. I've been asking my parents to at least let me put something up, but they usually say that it'd ruin the whole atmosphere of my whole room. I brushed my hair back with my hand and laid down on my bed, my head pressed against the pillow.

Soda's P.O.V
I looked at Steve, almost hearing cries coming from him, and I sat down to comfort him. He quickly hugged me and kept repeating that he was sorry, claiming that he just blew a fuse and went all out. I pushed my hair back, and it flew back, all fuzzy and puffy. Steve finally untangled his feet and let them dangle down, his hair flinging out forwards.

I laughed a little and pulled him closer. "You went all out on Y/N, didn't ya?" "I didn't mean too. They didn't do anything wrong, and I'm just blaming everything on them." Steve hissed a bit and got up, shuffling to the kitchen and back. He had grabbed a piece of chocolate cake that Darry had just cooked, and immediately shoved a sliver of it in his mouth.

Johnny's P.O.V
My eyes were wide with fear as I stated at Ponyboy, his body all white, and blood dripping out of every angle I could see him from. The Socs decided to visit us, and beat poor Ponyboy to a bloody pulp, not helping with any situation that we were already in. I kneeled down beside him, gathering all my strength, and slowly, I lifted him up, bringing him off the ground and into my arms. "You're gonna be alright, Pony, and if you ain't, then those Socs are gonna get it." I mumbled under my breath, hearing Pony murmur a laugh, then wince in pain. "S-Soda!" I shouted aloud once I was really close to the house, and I heard a loud bang as the door swung open, Darry looking out as us.

He dashed over to us, retrieving Pony from my arms and swinging his whole body around, twisting and turning to get back to the house. I followed behind him, wanting to make sure Ponyboy was alright. "What happened Johnny?" Darry demandingly said, staring at me, his eyes blazing with fury. "Socs stopped by." He growled, raising his fist and almost finishing Pony's life. Guilt swept over me, and I felt like this was all my fault. Was I not protecting Pony enough? That question swirled around in my head, confusing me every time I thought of it.

I might only post 1-2 chapters today because I've been doing other things, but like I've said about a million times, I hope you all like this story so far! If you have any suggestions of what should happen, just ask me in the comments! Thanks for being there everybody! Byeeeee! 😋

Dying Kiss (Steve Randle x Reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant