Chapter 10

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(Thank you everyone who either commented or voted, or even read this story. On the last chapter (Chapter 9), The_Greaser_Gang commented about Ponyboy being alive, and I know, some of you may be confused, but you'll find out a little more in this chapter (I hope). Enjoy! -The Almighty Peelings of Oranges)
Soda's P.O.V
I must've been going insane. There he was, buried 6 feet under before, took me hours to dig up, but now, he was here. My eyes fled open wider than I could possibly imagine. What had I done? Dug up my dead brother who probably wanted to lay in piece but I worried too damn much to care. Now there he lay, looking calm, peaceful, however you describe a dead person. Still in the same position since the funeral. Why couldn't I get over this already dead boy? He was my brother, but that didn't give me an advantage to dig him up. It probably took those workers a while to dig this whole and here I am, destroying all their hard work just to get Ponyboy out of some stupid grave.

I hovered over him, my emotions mixing as I stared at him. He didn't look dead, not one bit. But he didn't look alive either. He wasn't breathing, his eyes were still shut, but his fists were balled up, all red and puffy. This wasn't my Ponyboy. His position has changed. I was just too confused before to notice. He looked like he had just finished beating up a boxer with his bare fists. What happened to him? Is this what happens to you when you die? God treats you greatly above, but then he lets you go blind of your own competition underground. Whatever had happened to Ponyboy underground, I know this isn't some fatal drill that I was about to be attacked. No, I know that this was the doing of someone unexplainable. Maybe even something.

Ponyboy's P.O.V
Why couldn't I feel anything? Hadn't the breeze greeted me by then? I was out of the ground, wasn't I? If I was, then what was happening? I could hear him, Soda, he was talking to me, using that sweet, calm voice of his. Where was I? I couldn't seem to remember, not a thing. Soda was smiling at me, but then again, he wasn't. I couldn't tell what was real or fake anymore. Was all of this just a dream? I looked at my hands. They were red.

What had I done? What was I doing? How could this have happened? Questions wandered around in my head, dancing and searching at each crook and cranny. I reached out to hug Soda, my arms opened wide. He didn't do anything. He didn't even seem to notice that it was me, Ponyboy. That I was even alive. He should be happy, not looking gloomy and distressed.

Was this my own mind messing with me, or was this reality tricking me?
I promise you'll learn more in the next chapter, which will be out soon. I had to make this chapter short because my family and I are heading to some party soon. I thank you all for reading this story, and I really thought that this would just be a one time thing, where people would read it, then stop after the first chapter. I guess I was wrong. But I'm still glad that some people actually read this! Thanks! :)

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