Chapter 24

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1k???!!! Thank you so much! I'm freaking out, yo.
Soda's P.O.V
My eyes traced over the blank piece of paper that sat in front of me. My hands were shaking quite violently as I stared at the familiar presence. I had gone to the store a while back, and right when I walked in, this paper fell to my feet.

It was probably just the wind, but it is still not known as to why it landed by my feet. I threw my hands down, slamming them onto the table before wincing at the sudden pain.

The pain.

This paper shall soon be engulfed in flames after I'm finished with what I would call a masterpiece. The pencil beside me rolled around as my fingers gently pushed it before picking it up. I quietly, as well as slowly, drew a line going straight down the middle of the now written on paper.

I felt a hot breath on my neck, before I glanced around me, noticing that Darry had been watching me. My heart jumped a bit as I turned to see him standing right behind me, a wide grin visible on his face. "Hello Master Soda," he paused, a rough sigh leaving his lips, "Are you drawing another piece of art for others to enjoy?"

I was actually growing quite annoyed, and not even my mind could keep up with the annoyance that was drawn on my face. "Yes, and I would like to be left alone in complete silence to concentrate." A light chuckle escaped his mouth, ringing in my ear. "I might lose my train of thought if you stay any longer." I began again, stating as if I truly was what one would call an "artist".

His hands immediately jumped up to his chest as he held them out, his palms facing me. "Wouldn't want to disturb an artist when peace has finally hit him." He smiled, slowly backing out of my vision and entering what seemed like his room.

I hear the door slam shut, capturing all my annoyance as it left me. "Good thing I don't really forget stuff easily." I mumbled to myself before continuing to draw what had been drawn in my mind.

Your P.O.V
My face was firmly planted on Steve's chest. I don't quite remember what I had been doing last, and here I was, laying down with my cheek pressed up against Steve's chest, hearing his heart beat through the thick fabric he wore, and his breaths slowly combine with the beating heart, turning into a sweet sounding rhythm for me to hear.

I lifted my head up, noticing that Steve had woken up before me. His hand was drawing little circles into my back, as his other hand pushed back my messy hair. He leaned in and planted a soft kiss to my forehead, smiling as he looked at me. Steve gave me the cutest smile I have ever seen, and I couldn't help but smile back myself.

Slowly, with all my might, I sat up. I was now sitting on top of Steve, focusing on his facial expressions, as well as his hands that had been placed on my hips. I leaned down, leaving soft kisses on his lips, as well as his jaw, before coming to realization as to what happened last night between us. The sun brightly shined in through the windows, some of them having curtains closed over them. Steve's face lit up as the sun hit him, and just by that little motion of the sun, I fully kissed him.

The sun had captured all his good angles as it leaped upon him, lighting his face with bright rays of beauty. Our mouths collided together, some sweat leaking off my forehead from this intense make out session we were having. The sweat that had once camped out on my forehead was now making its way to my nose, slowly dropping down and reaching our lips that smashed into each other.

As I pulled back, my hips began to "communicate" with his, smashing together as groans and small moans escaped both of us. We had been doing the same thing last night, and so this time, we just left our clothes on, except for Steve's shirt. I gasped as Steve sped up a bit, and my lips closed over his chest, leaving small kisses up and down his exposed body part.

A loud sigh of satisfaction ran out his lips, making my whole body tingle. The friction of our bodies made me shiver with anticipation. I finally managed to make it back up to his lips, as I pushed mine into his, hearing a groan leave his mouth before our lips met. We continued for about an hour before the both of us decided that we have had enough action for today. I kissed him one more time before leaning back, resting my head against his chest again.

I felt a warm presence wrap around us, as I watched him unfold a nearby blanket on the floor and shake it out before placing it over us. I snuggled up close to him, my arms folding themselves across his chest.

"I love you..." I blew out some warm air, hitting his chest, feeling him tense up a bit. A smile flew into his face as he rubbed my back. "I love you too."
My goal has been reached *Puts hands up in "defeat"*. Thank you all so much. The next chapter is the last chapter of this book. I hope you all enjoyed this story, and had fun on this writing journey with me. Thank you. -OrangePeelings

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