Chapter 16

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OMG I feel so bad rn like I can't even...! I'm so sorry for this long break! I was camping at my Grandma's, no wifi whatsoever, but at least I was able to live without it. Thank you to those who were patient, well, still are patient. -OrangePeelings (Kill me)
Soda's P.O.V
I looped my fingers through Darry's hair, imagining that it was Ponyboy himself. I had gotten over the whole incident a while back, but whenever his name was mentioned, I was on the verge of tears.

My cheeks flushed red as I met eyes with Darry, his finger rubbing smooth circles onto my back. I was held firmly in his grip, the TV playing a series of shows. I turned my head to look at the display of lights emitting from the screen. Darry nudged me a little with his elbow, releasing me from his grip. His gruff voice was the only thing carving into my mind at the moment as he spoke, his words fumbled up into tiny comments. "Dinner should be ready soon," I didn't open my mouth as I watched his lips curve into a grin, angling upwards.

"I'm glad to see that you're finally getting through to yourself about him." He knew how sensitive I got when he spoke of Pony, so he didn't even mention the name to me, a smile tugging at my lips. Before I could say anything, he was out of the living room, the kitchen being lit up with his humming.

The TV boomed over everything now and my trance had been broken a while back. Reality hit me hard in the face as I glanced around the room, my heart melting at the sight of Ponyboy, his smile tearing me apart. There he hung, the wall decorated with pictures of him. A small sniffle hung from my nose, my vision caving in as I slammed my eyes shut.

Breathe Soda, breathe. Small breaths escaped my crooked, bitten up lips. I stood up from the chair, hunching my shoulders up and tumbling forwards to the lovely odored kitchen, my eyes being greeted with Darry, his vision planted on the chicken laid out in front of him.

Steve's P.O.V
I held Y/N in my arms, their cries ringing out and dancing around the room. Y/N immediately came to me for support after, well, nobody knows what. They seemed hurt, and I promised to protect them no matter the cost.

My eyes gazed upon Y/N, watching the tears drain out from their eyes. After a few minutes of desperate hugs and retreating cries, I managed to calm them down, twisting their hair in my fingers. We never engaged in a conversation, but it didn't feel awkward at all,

I hopped up, glancing down at Y/N as I headed to a separate couch, Y/N following close behind me. I laid down, feeling a slight tinge of pain and sudden relief as they sat down on top of me. My eyes locked onto theirs. I dragged my eyes away, staring at their face. Tear stained cheeks, puffy eyes, a red nose as if their inner Rudolph was coming out, and a slight bruise imprinted on their face.

I found Y/N in my kitchen, their fingers tightened around the handle of the fridge. I assumed they were hungry and immediately tried to feed Y/N, grabbing out anything I could that would interest them. Yet I was brung down from the idea as Y/N shook their head slightly, finally glancing up at me.

I didn't question what happened, seeing that they didn't want to speak about it, and now here we are. My eyes planted onto theirs, trying to escape the forever locked gaze. My heart jumped up as I slowly pushed my lips onto theirs. Our lips melted in a unescapable rhythm, sweet tunes playing out in my head. My hands gripped the rim of their waist, gently squeezing it a bit as I pulled Y/N closer.
I suck at writing, tbh.

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