Chapter 23

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(This story is gonna be ending soon... Kinda sad 😞)
Johnny's P.O.V
My eyes remained still as I watched the TV light up with a various colors. Two-Bit had set up "camp" beside me with a beer being dumped down his throat and into his stomach, and a large portion of newly made chocolate cake in front of him. How can this guy manage to eat so much chocolate cake? He must just be immune to the effects it could have on him.

I didn't take any second looks and turned my vision back to the blinding screen. We were staying the night at "Soda's" place, and with that being done, I had to find somewhere to sleep. Soda couldn't handle sleeping in his own bed so he just sleeps out on the couch. Darry ain't no being to be worried about, so he just holds his place of being in his room.

Of course, I got the opportunity to sleep in Ponyboy and Soda's old room. 1. Ponyboy's gone. 2. Heck yeah I wanna sleep in there! Even though Ponyboy may be gone, it still is his room, and I've always wanted to sleep in his room. There was just this small voice in the back of my head that kept saying these four words "Sleep in Ponyboy's room". It was like I had a little bucket list, and sleeping in his room was at the top.

I entered the quiet, peaceful room, getting a good look at what I was going to be staying in for the night. Normally, Soda would've offered to stay with me, but when I asked, his head shook faster than my hands do when I'm scared. I didn't mind being alone, so there was really nothing to lose. Just the sight of the untouched bed that Ponyboy had once slept in made me tremble with sadness.

Promising myself I wouldn't cry, I hopped up onto the bed, heavily breathing in the calming scent. Even thought I swear I smelt the unnoticeable scent of a cigarette, I just ignored it, deciding to actually sleep peacefully for once.

My arms wrapped around my chest, as I passionately hugged myself, feeling the warmth of the blanket soon sink in. It danced around me, lingering in the air and wavering out through the little opening where my face was halfway hidden under the soft blanket that covered my body. I felt a smile form on my face as I watched my chest heave up and down in participation.

I didn't know that sleeping in this intoxicatingly sad room would be so peacefully amazing.

Guess I do now.
Short chapter, I know. It is currently 10:30 at night, and school is two days away. I wasn't planning on writing this chapter, but something inside of me was telling me to just do it. -OrangePeelings

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