Chapter 12

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Your P.O.V
My hands were trembling even though I wasn't scared. I was feeling a sort of trust, and it was pretty unexplainable. The ground felt like it was melting before my feet, and of course, that's not a good feeling. I suddenly fell to my knees, hearing a loud crack from them and a lot of pain. I was kneeling on my fingers. One must've broken, but I couldn't do anything about it now. I began to stand up when I was suddenly met with a bold hand. It's figure was unidentifiable, but I still had no other choice but to trust it. I raised my hand, grasping onto the highlighted hand in front of me, and it began lifting me up. When I made it up, I was fully met face to face with this figure, and yet, I had no clue who or what it was. Then it hit me. That feeling of trust I had earlier, it had combined with an unexplainable feeling, forming into a feeling of sorrow. I must've known this person, feeling the sorrow they were emitting. It was Ponyboy.

Soda's P.O.V
I felt like I was trapped in an insane asylum, my feelings being locked away. I could've been at one right now, but I knew I wasn't. The wind rushed around me, misery pouring from within me. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't stop looking. I couldn't stop my feelings. I couldn't stop my self. I was a total wreck by now, my shirt drenched and my knees banged up against the ground. People have passed and looked, stopped and laughed, muttered and went on. But none of them have helped.

Dally's P.O.V
My brain was rushing through files of memory and emotions, yet I couldn't feel anything. I was determined that I hadn't just broke Johnny's heart by leaving. Damn, I couldn't have. I shoulda stayed with him, but I couldn't do it. Seeing him cry like that was just enough to break me down into pieces. I clutched onto my head, snatching onto a patch of grass as I hit the ground. Roughly, I sat up, overlooking the area I was in before scanning my hand. Blood trickled down from my thumb and I slowly noticed that it had been pierced with a piece of glass. Why hadn't I felt anything? Was it just the sudden rush of pain that hadn't reached me yet? Or... Was I just losing feeling to everything?

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