Chapter 7

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This Chapter is going to be memories of all the gang and stuff, including Ponyboy, (and you!!!), even though y'all saw him die in the last chapter! Enjoy!
Johnny's P.O.V
The wind couldn't get any harsher that day, and Pony and I were just chilling at the Vacant Lot, not having a clue of what to do. He had been telling me about some personal stuff, and I didn't understand why he was, but being the nice person I am, I listened to him. That was right before those Socs came, and the memories seemed to become a blur in my mind.

Pony couldn't be dead, he couldn't be, it should've been me, I should've gotten beaten up. Pony didn't deserve any of this, not one bit. By then, everybody had heard about Pony, and our mourns became louder and more clear each and every day. We had a funeral for him today, and everybody attended, even Cherry. Pony was engraved into all our hearts, and his life went by too fast. Only 14, and that's too young to die.

Soda's P.O.V
I wouldn't leave it. I couldn't. Ponyboy would get cold out here, especially since he would be left all alone! I kept on telling myself that this was just some dumb Socs that nobody cared about, but I knew it wasn't. I knew... I knew that my brother was buried under this one spot, and that it was too late for anybody to dig him up. I couldn't handle the next few days sleeping alone in bed. I had always slept with Pony, and I even had the memory of that one night, and it just kept replaying in my head, forcing me to my knees each time I thought of it. I'm sorry Ponyboy! I didn't mean to!

Those words rung inside my head, and I had a clear vision of him, Darry, shouting across the yard to Pony as he dashed off into the cold and unharmed night. Those few days he was gone, I had felt the same way I'm feeling right now. Empty. I can't even visit Pony and see a smile appear on his face. He's just disappeared from our lives.

Ponyboy's P.O.V
I never knew that it felt so horrible and lonely to be trapped underground, especially being dead. My memories had already left me by now, but there were some that were still buried deep within my heart. Johnny, he had captured half my memories, but Soda and Darry had still kept most of them, and it'd be nice to at least see them again.

The only thing happening to me right now... Well, I could feel my flesh being burned up, at least it felt like that, and I began to grow hungry. I was cold, so cold. I could hear people talking, above and below, and I could never tell who it was.

I had eased my way into my heart, tracking down every memory I could find and just replaying them, hearing and seeing everybody. I missed Soda's smile, Steve's chocolate cake mouth that always made us laugh, Two-Bit's jokes, Darry's strength when he would lift me up and swing me around, Dally's helpful tips... And Johnny, I missed everything about him. The way he trusted and always listened to me, the way his smile would leave a mark on me, the way his voice crumbled every time he whispered. Johnny was worth living for, but then I realized, everybody was. They all had great personalities, and it grew me sad to realize that I had left so many dents in each and every one of their hearts. Why me?

Steve's P.O.V
My fingers were numb, and it seems that I've been standing out in the cold for a while now. In front of me was his very own grave, flowers placed around it, and even some cigarettes too. It felt like a year had already passed, and that I was just frozen in time, staring at the menacing ground that trapped Ponyboy inside of it.

It's been a while since I've visited Y/N, and it seems that we've grown very distant. I couldn't go now, I still had some cries to get out of my system. I felt a hand approach my shoulder and I turned, seeing Dally and Darry come up beside me. They looked sick, to be honest. "How long has it been?" My head swung over to Darry, and he gave me a harsh look, "About a week." "A week!" Dally said, his hand going down to his pocket, leaving Darry just to sadly nod. "Seems like forever to me." I said, looking back at the grave.

"I reckon we all go see a therapist," Dally paused and lighted a cigarette, taking a couple puffs out of it before actually continuing. "I can't stand the fact that Pony's dead, so maybe a therapist could help with our problems." Dally didn't look too happy to say that, but maybe he was right. Sometimes, it's best to go receive help from someone, especially after grieving over someone's death.

Your P.O.V
I had heard about Ponyboy's death, but since I didn't know him well, it would've been quite "rude" of me to go to his funeral, but I still did anyway. I didn't see Steve there, mainly because I stood at the back of the crowd, trotting here and there, pondering everything about Pony that I had yet to know. Steve and I weren't close anymore, and I had felt loneliness strike in, and besides the aching pain in my heart, it bruised me up, knowing that I was alone.

Ever since Ponyboy's death, Steve hasn't even come to think of what he is doing to me. He never visits, never texts, and I never even see him outside anymore when walking around the place. Ever since Ponyboy's death, it's just torn Steve and I apart, and we drifted farther and farther away, never hoping to return to our life we had once lived.

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