Chapter 19

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I am still sick and stuff like that, but I didn't want another gap to happen in this story, so here ya go! -OrangePeelings
Johnny's P.O.V
I watched as pebbles of rain trickled down the stained window, some staying and some dripping off. My mind had been so focused on the rain now that I couldn't even concentrate on the real world. I was sitting at Soda's house, the rest of the gang was here too, and I was just watching the rain.

Dinner must've been ready by now, because as soon as I started to zone out, I felt a gentle tap on my hunched up shoulder. "Johnny, dinner's ready." It was Dally, his eyes watching me as I whipped around, mine meeting his. We stared at each other for a moment, before I slightly nodded. Dally held out one hand, a smile growing upon his face. I couldn't help but smile as well, grasping onto his hand and immediately being pulled up without any warning.

My hand began to shake as I let go of his, entering the kitchen to be seated. Dinner looked delicious, and I could tell that everyone else was having the same thought, smiles placed on their faces. I looked around at the table, until I stopped at an empty seat. My smile had clearly gone by now, and was left with an unreadable expression.

That was Ponyboy's spot.

Why didn't they just take the chair out? I didn't want to think of this right now, especially whilst dining. A low grumble left my lips as my focus was drawn back to the food that sat in front of me. It wasn't until I looked up that I noticed everybody, their eyes never peeling off of me. "Guys?" My voice croaked, yet they never looked away. I suddenly felt a movement behind me, and I turned around. Nothing. I managed to spin back around, noticing that they finally looked away, but were all looking in the direction across from me.

My eyes were on the edge of tears as I slowly raised my head, looking straight ahead of me.


Your P.O.V
Steve stated that he was "gonna be dining with the gang", and I didn't bother asking if I could go. I sat at home, my bed slowly becoming uncomfortable as I lay there. The ceiling above me looked drained of color, as it was originally painted a sort of "peach" color. That's how it was before we even moved in.

I turned to face the window, rain sliding down effortlessly as I watched. My phone beside me was buzzing, and I finally grasped onto it, holding it up to see what the notifications were for. I was getting a call from some unknown number, and being me, I ignored it. Setting my phone down, I looked back up at the window, seeing a few leaves stuck to it. The call was ended, and I watched as my phone lit up again, the same number dialed at the top.

The phone began to rumble and slide around, mainly because of the obnoxious buzzing that was coming out of it. I slid my hand over and pressed the "end" button, hoping that whoever it was would get the face that I wasn't interested. Yet it rang. Again and again, nonstop. This person was not giving up. I slammed my hand down onto the phone, ending the call once again and just picking it up. I tugged at my drawer, pulling it open and setting my phone inside.

With all my force, I slammed it shut, staring back up at the window as more leaves settled onto it. From the drawer, I could hear the buzzing as it continued, the annoying buzzing that would be heard even from a few miles away. It suddenly stopped after a couple of minutes, my eyes immediately zooming down to study the drawer. I pulled the drawer outwards, lifting the phone out. A notification appeared on my screen. Message from Unknown number: Why'd you set your phone in the drawer?

I stared at the message, my mouth slacking open and my eyes reading it in fear. I didn't bother to message back, feeling creeped out enough, and I set the phone down, looking back out the window. In the corner of my eye, I spotted my phone light up once again.

Message from Unknown number: You can't ignore the phone forever.
Message from OrangePeelings: I feel like a stalker now just by writing this chapter. EHEHEHEHE.

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