Challenge Time!

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It was morning, and Mal and I were still asleep. In jail everyone knew to never get me up early in the morning, so when the guards had to wake me up one of them lost their ears. All of a sudden, I heard a loud horn and Mal just grabbed me as he fell out of bed. "What the actual hell?!" Mal shouted. I saw the speaker and camera in the corner of the room and just rolled my eyes, "Time to get up lovebirds, or do you two want to pass on a million dollars?" Chris said. I got up and teared the speaker out of the wall to say that I wasn't meant to be played with. "It's challenge time, honey! Get dressed and let's go," Mal said as he started to put on his clothes. I did the same, and started to walk down to the beach. "Getting off and on those platforms will be a bit changeling due to the motes around it," Chris announced. I looked down into the motes, and they were full of crabs ready for some food. Finally, Chris blew the horn to start the challenge and everyone jumped down from the platform to start digging. Mal threw me a shovel he stole from Lighting, so I just started digging. "Hey! Female Mal!" Someone yelled at me. I turned around and saw it was Heather who was calling me, "What do you want, chicken legs?" She grabbed me by the collar, and tried to make me scared of her, tried to me ME fear HER

"Listen punky I'm the leader of this team, so don't try and throw this team off course! If you do, you're so eliminated," She said. I laughed to myself, and slammed some sense into her head. "Look little Daddy's Girl, I'm stronger than you. I'm not going to fear you, like some weak little minion. Mess with me and you will pay for your actions," I whispered in her ear as I almost broke her wrist. Once I let go I went back to digging, but I heard Heather trying to say something back to me. "How about you work, like the rest of us?" I asked as I kicked her away from me. 

While Heather and Jo were fighting about who should be leader, Mal and I were figuring out who to "trust" in our alliance. "We need someone who's smart, strong enough, and stupid enough to fall for anything," Mal said. It took me a while to actual realize it, but it struck me like a lighting bolt, "We need either Duncan or Courtney to trust us." Mal looked at me like I was crazy. "I get why you'd pick Duncan, but why Courtney? She's just going to try and boss us around like we're cattle." That was true, but when it comes to me I have a way with people like her.

Both teams were finally getting pieces, so I decided to give Courtney something. I took out a piece of paper, and went to Scott since he got close to her before. "Can you please hand this to Courtney, Scott?" I asked him nicely. He laughed, "And why would I do that for someone like you?" I didn't want him too scare badly, but I didn't care. I grabbed his face and looked him straight in the face, "Because if you make me mad, then you might lose someone you dearly love. If you still don't care, I guess I have to take off a body part of your's. First the arms, then the legs-"  "Okay, okay I'll give it to her." I smiled and walked back to Mal, but while walking I tripped over something. "And who might you be?" They said. It was the Mexican guy from the first challenge, so I just took my chances. "The name's Luka, and you?" I said. He smiled, "Luka~. Such a wonderful and beautiful name for such a beauty like yourself. I'm Alejandro, nice to meet you beautiful." I smiled back at him and walked back to Mal. He looked like he wanted to punch me, but I didn't know why. "Why were talking to Al?" He asked. I smirked, "Don't be so jealous. I know his way of charming girls just be looking at his eyes, so he must be useful to us."  "What about Duncan?"  I held a finger and walked over to Duncan.

"Hello Duncan."  "Oh, it's Mal's girl. What does your boyfriend want from me then?" I really didn't like him talking like that to me, but I had to act nice and somewhat bad ass to get him to trust me. "It's not what he wants, it's what I want. Wanna join my alliance?" "I'd rather get eaten by a shark then work with you." He said. I sighed and just got closer to him, "Mal's not my boyfriend, but I think you can be mine though. Gwen and Courtney obviously don't like you, so why not try something new in life?" He started to think about it, and it was irritating to wait for him. He finally agreed to join the alliance, unless I kissed him right there and now. I laughed, "Oh Duncan, maybe you can get more than a kiss if you wait. All good things come to those who wait, and win this challenge." Once I said that he was off digging even faster than before, just for me to kiss him. What a stupid move of his! 

I saw everyone running to the platform, so I thought that we found all the pieces. "What's with the big hole in the middle?" Heather questioned. I sighed in frustration, "You idiots, there's a piece missing! You missed counted!" Apparently, Lighting was the one that miscounted the pieces. Why would you pick him to count the pieces anyway, he's that stupid and we all know that. So we hurried to find the final piece, but the other team had already finished their puzzle. "And the Hero team wins!" Chris yelled. Before Duncan can leave I told him to vote off Lighting since he costed us the challenge, and I remembered that I had to meet up with Courtney right after the elimination ceremony. 

Eventually after Chris called out the names that were safe, of course Lighting was the one to go. As I was walking to the old, beat down cabin I had to sleep in, I saw Courtney just standing beside it. "So, you're the one that wants to meet me here?" She questioned as I walked up to her. With Courtney I have to be clever and smart when I talk to her, "Yes, because I want you to join my alliance." She looked confused. "It's not even in the middle of the show, and you want to make an alliance. Who's in the alliance?" I smiled widely. "Oh just me, Mal, and Duncan."   "I'm not being in a alliance with him!" I sighed, rubbing my temples. This girl didn't know anything to make it through this show, so I have to break it down for her. "This alliance is for all of us to help ourselves not get voted off, so you don't have to even talk to Duncan. All you have to do is sign this, and you won't get voted off. I know we're still on different teams, but when the teams merge it'll take a true affect." I said, handing the contract to her. After read the contract she finally signed the stuff, and I was on my way. I didn't worry that much, because one by one they will fall and I'll be queen. 

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