Harvest Blue Moon Race

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As usual, me and Mal were still asleep because we aren't morning people. We actually had a lot of time to sleep since this challenge took place at night, but I woke Mal up earlier than that. "You know we can sleep in today, right?" Mal said getting up. I sighed, "We have time to plan more, but there something very important I have to tell you about today." He raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "Since I did a lot of research before jail I found out about something called the Blue Harvest Moon. It has this affect on animals, I don't know about people, but it switches around the personalities. The deer would be hungry and dangerous during this time."  "And you're telling me this why?" I turned to him and grabbed his chin to make him look deep into my eyes, to let him know that I was up to something. He chuckled, "It's your plan, you go for it Red." I smiled and kissed him. Before I could do anything else, Chris called us to the starting line. 

For today's challenge we had to race to the other side of the island while the Harvest Blue Moon was out, dealing with all the animals. Since my team won the yesterday we got a map with the fastest route on it, but the other team got meat hats and meat tails. I want to say I feel bad for them, but I don't though. Chris blew the horn and we were off, and of course we were in the lead. 

After a while we came across an alligator, but it wasn't acting like itself just like I said. "Since when did gators do that?" Courtney asked. I had to explain to them what the moon did to the animals or we would be wasting time, "I'm putting this short, alright? This moon switches the animals' personalities and makes act different." When I looked at Heather she looked different for some reason to me. She came up to me and said, "Wow, you sure are smart Luka! You should be the leader of the group, not me!" Wait what? She started to hug me and the gator at the same time, and I kinda didn't know what to do. "I guess it affects people too," I said to myself. Up ahead I saw a herd of bunnies, "Let's move it people!" We all started running, except Heather since she was busy hugging the alligator. Alejandro yelled back, "Come on Heather, you have the map! Hurry up!" She caught up, but I ignored her because her being nice and happy was weird enough for me. We came across a rope bridge that looked like it was on the verge of breaking, "A rope bridge?!  Obviously it's a trap, we should go around." Gwen said. Courtney objected, "That would take 3 times as long!" Gwen was kinda right about the bridge, we don't know what will happen while we're on it. "Maybe we need someone brave to test the bridge out," Heather exclaimed. Scott offered to test it out, and it was pretty safe to walk on after all. "See nothing to worry about!" He yelled. I was about to take one step on it, "Red!" Mal called out. I jumped back and the bridge fell to it's side, "What are you doing Scott?!" I shouted. He didn't hear me for some reason, so we had to carefully walk on the rope that was still intact. I was beside Mal, because he had fast reflexes and if I'm near anyone of..those people then I might as well be in jail still. As we were sliding towards the other side, Heather slipped and almost fell but Alejandro caught her. "I knew you still cared!" Heather exclaimed. Good thing she was faking it, because then I would have to knock her out to not hear her nice comments. Once we all made it across Courtney took the beaver away from Scott and cut off the last piece of rope that was holding the bridge up. "Why would you do that?!" I asked. Alejandro looked happy for some reason, "The other team won't be able to use the bridge, brilliant!" "But Gwen won't be able to cross, and we need her to win," Heather said. At least Heather was sometimes smart in this competition.

"Gwen still not here. If we lose this challenge, you owe me," Mal said to me as we were running. I smirked at him, "If we win you owe me, deal?" "Deal." We crossed the finish line, but Gwen still wasn't here. "I knew she'd sabotage us!" Courtney shouted. I tried to get her over the finish line, but she was chased away by a vicious deer. Out of no where, Gwen comes in and saves her like a super hero. Wait, why was Gwen on the Villains in the first place? "Let's go people, the other team is catching up!" I yelled at them. They started to run as fast as they can to the finish line. "And the Villains win...again," Chris said with some disappointment. I smiled at Mal, and he turned away from me. I smirked and he just pulled me close, "A deal is a deal, right Mal?" I asked him. He kissed me deeply then whispered, "Next, we take out either Sierra or Cameron." "Got it~" 

When I was in the my seat I saw Duncan talking to Gwen, then get shoved off. I kinda feel sorry for him, actually I don't feel it after all. "I volunteer to go to Boney Island!" Scott shouted. I knew that Courtney was going to feel sad without him here, since she liked him, but she had to deal with it. After that Chris was going to tell us some news, but Cameron stopped him by giving himself up to get kicked off the island. It turns out that the one was getting "kicked off" is now on my team, so it'll be easier to mess with him. We all went to the Hotel/Spa, and I got Mal to do something he would never do for me. 

"I'm not wearing or speaking like that again!" He yelled. I sighed, "You lost the bet, so you have to pay up." He sighed and came out of the bathroom in one of Mike's shirts and pants, with his hair up just like Mike's. "Hi, I'm Mike! Everybody loves me because I'm such an idiot!" He exclaimed as I began to laugh my ass off. When I looked up all I saw was Mal on top of me with a smirk on his face. "Sorry, I didn't fuck Mike last night," I said laughing. He grabbed the top of my shorts roughly and whispered, "So how about you fuck with Mal?"  Let's just say that we took the night off.~~  

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