Ice Cream Freaks

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As usual I was sleeping in, but I was soon awaken by Chris's voice calling us into the forest clearing over the speaker. As I walked out the cabin I saw Mal with the others, and decided to join them. "Sup Gwen, you had a good night on Boney Island?" I asked her. This time I actually did care to know, since I play with emotions most of the time I took a break. "Yeah, I fell asleep looking at the starts. Less frightening than I thought," She said. We soon became walking to the clearing, and Mal started talking to me. "You look like you need more sleep, sleeping beauty," He teased. I rolled my eyes at him , and just continued to walk on then I heard Mal chuckle a bit. "What's so funny?" I asked. Everyone stopped when I said that for some reason, "Oh I was just looking at Courtney's plan here, and she made you Satan. I wasn't thinking of going down tomorrow." Everyone was surprised, even Courtney. It was a paper with everyone it with special features, but what caught my attention the most was my picture with the word SATAN over my face. "Second to last?! Right to the end, my butt!" Gwen exclaimed. I looked at Courtney with anger in my eyes, and said "You're tasting toilet tonight, and watch your back very carefully because you might just get punished." I grabbed Mal and walked away from her. 

Once we got to the starting line, we saw two very skinny and tired interns of Chris. For today's challenge we had to go to old areas of the island and make a sundae , which parts of it were in these places. Chef gave all of us bowls, and the first one to make the interns eat your sundae wins. 

We went running when we heard that horn. The first ingredient, the ice cream, was up in the snowy mountains and Gwen in front of everybody. "I'm going to have to ditch you for a while. only me or you can win, got it?" Mal said. I nodded as he started to speed up the mountain. Chris announced, " Gwen takes first place, heading to the cherry station." I growled quietly to myself and got my ice cream, sliding down the mountain with such speed. Next thing was the cherry, which was at the swamp and when I got there I saw Gwen close to getting her's. "Will Gwen stay in the lead? Well, let's see what Snappy says," Chris said. At that moment an alligator came back Gwen, but before he could do any damage Mal came swinging in on a vine. I quickly swam by the both of them and got my cherry, Mal got his cherry and dunked Gwen's head in the dirty water. "See you later Gwen!" I laughed as I ran off with Mal following me. The next station we had to get was the nut station, which was in the old cafeteria they used in season 1. "Luka and Mal are the first ones to the crushed nuts station, but they also have to face off to the new Total Drama machine," Chris also announced. Wait what machine? "You go, I'll take of the robot," I said. Mal went ahead, I got my nuts and the robot Alejandro was in appeared out of no where and attacked me. Over it's shoulder, I saw Gwen enter and I got the best idea. "Gwen look out for the robot!" I yelled. It turned around and started to attack her, and I left with a grin on my face with some sweat from the heat. 

The last station, the chocolate, was in an opening in the forest. The caught was it was guarded by a mutant fire flower, and it had aim. "Mal is the first to reach the chocolate station, but Luka and Gwen are hot on his tail," Chris said. I saw Mal behind a rock, but I had to talk to Zoey who was right behind me. "Zoey, you have to win so you don't end up on the chopping block. You're the first one who's probably going to be out!" She got the look of determination, and went off. I got with Mal, and he slapped me for no reason. "What the hell?!" "Why would want Zoey to win, we have to get into that hotel!!" I sighed and grabbed him the ear. "If Zoey wins then she's going to take me with her into the hotel. Now go get your chocolate, and I'll play dirty," I whispered to him. He instantly started running towards the chocolate lake, dodging the fire the plant blew. When it turned to me, I shoved a rock into it's mouth to give me time to get my chocolate but it did explode.  

All of us were close to the finish line, but Courtney started to speed up and pass us all. "Here, eat it!" Courtney said to the intern. Chris laughed, "Change of plans, now you are eating the sundaes you've made!" I smiled when he said that, and immediately started eating my ice cream. I saw Courtney just gagging at the sight of her own work, so I whistled some help in from my animal friends. At least 5 birds flew in and threw up on her sundae, and I laughed to myself when she glared at me. "Finished!" Zoey said holding her empty bowl in the air. Neither me or Mal won this challenge, but since Zoey can bring one person with her into the hotel of course she was bringing me.

"You called those birds in to throw up on my ice cream! I'll get you for that!!" Courtney came up to me and yelled. I smirked and just said, "Oh Courtney, everyone now knows what you think of them. I'm sure you're paying for what you did yourself, also I hope that you have a fun time in that toilet." We all sat down, and waited to hear who was going home. When that time came it was no surprise, Courtney was the one being flushed. "Zoey, you enjoy that hotel because you're not allowed to bring anyone else anymore," Chris said. Mal looked at me with a look of anger, then he smacked me in the back of the head. He walked off and I followed him. 

"You don't have to be anger with me Mal!" I yelled. He turned around to look at me "You let Zoey win, and now we have to win to look for it! It's your fault that we're probably being discovered right now!" I didn't say anything or look at Mal, all I heard was him sighing. He grabbed my chin and forced kiss me, "Just don't do anything stupid, Red." I smiled and slapped him as hard as I could. "That's for hitting me in the back of the head."

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