Giant Pancakes

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I was sleeping peaceful in my bed when suddenly Chef comes in with a large trash bag, and throws it in the middle of the room. I don't know what was in the bag, but all I know is that stuff got all over my face. I'm glad the blankets were covering me from the stuff, but my face was the price. Since it was raining outside I decided to wash my face out there, "Having a good time in the rain, Red?" I looked and it was Mal with another one of his devilish smirks on his face. I walked up to him with evilness in my eyes, "What'd you do this time?" He didn't want to tell me at first, but really he wanted me to beg for it. I sighed, "Please...master, I need to know." He smiled and gave me a picture. It was a picture of Sierra's broken phone, with Mal in the corner with his tongue out. "This is perfect. She can't survive without that phone, now she can get voted off and we get that spa hotel," I smirked. Mal grabbed my arm to pull me closer to him and kissed me, so I decided to give in for a bit of fun. "Eww, go get a room you two," Heather said as she walked outside to see us. I growled as I rolled my eyes, "How about you go kiss Alejandro for once?" She scoffed and went back inside. 

Chris called us for the challenge of the day, and since Sierra didn't her Cody she will get the Hero team on the chopping block. He explained the challenge, and all I liked about it is that we got to eat pancakes. After one minute of eating those pancakes, you have to make it through a obstacle course without puking. Scott scoffed, "That doesn't seem that hard." That hill billy is going to be my ticket back to jail when I murder him for some stupid shit. As a result, Chris brought in something called "The Salad Spinner." Everyone has to make it harder for me in this show, so we had to not be pathetic like last time. 

The challenge started with a horn, so Sierra was the first one to the pancakes. "This team needs a leader, and I think it should be you Heather," Alejandro suggested. He was playing the game well, but we all know he was trying to useful to Heather. Heather sighed, "Fine you can go first, but you better have a big appetite." Alejandro went ahead to eat pancakes, but there were some complications. "Oh there might be some booby traps in those PAIN-cakes," Chris laughed. Now he tells us, but I love a good game with twist and dangers. Like I predicted from the start, Sierra was the first one to puke and to be benched. Cameron replaced her, but it was already time's up for Alejandro to stop eating and get to doing the course. He was limber and flexible, so this shouldn't be a problem for him. Once he finished the course it was Scott's turn, but he looked like he was about to throw up before he even ate. "Scott, if you lose this challenge I will take my anger out on you. You don't like me when I'm anger," I said before he went up. It was the other team's turn to do the course, and Cameron just flat out missed the first obstacle. I mentally face palmed myself, feeling his embarrassment. Right after it was Scott's turn to run the course, but there was something distracting me from watching. Courtney and Heather were fighting on who should go next so, as usual, Gwen had to go in and take that role. "Mal, you ready for some sabotage?" I said with an evil grin on my face. He soon had the same one, which meant he was up for the task at hand. I whispered in his ear my plan to sabotage the Salad Spinner, but not to win this challenge. It was just for some fun, but if that works out to my advantage then that's luck for you. 

"The Villains are in the lead, but for how long?" Chris said. Scott ate so much that he easily made his way through the course which surprised me a bit, but that was just luck that he was use to that stuff that was in the cabin. Next up it was Gwen and Duncan, but something caught my attention. "Fine I'll go after Gwen, but if we lose Gwen's the next one to get kicked off," Courtney said. She's playing the game right, but I can play it better because I'm even more clever than her. I was about to talk with Mal a bit more, but I took a glance at Gwen and she was going to lose it big time. "If she pukes she can't help finish the pancake, come on Gwen make it a bit longer," I thought to myself. Once she made it on the rolling logs she lost all of it, but I saw Mal sneak off for a moment which made me happy and excited for what's about to happen. "Can't resist a little chaos," He said as he switched the spinner to the highest level possible. Once he came back to me Courtney was the next one in the spinner, and the fastest one out. She flew so far I thought she was a bird for a second, "See you later Courtney.~" I yelled out to her. 

It seems that Zoey just tagged in Sam, so Heather has to tag someone in. "Luka, you're going in there. Hurry!" Heather shouted. "Why me?!" "There's no time, just do it!" I sighed and ran up to the pancakes. I looked over to Sam's pancakes, and he caught up with our score. I was hungry since I didn't eat proper food for a while, so I tried to eat everything on that big ass plate. "Eat for that Hotel. Eat for the million, or you go back to the streets!" I told myself. Sam already finished his and on his way through the course, and I finished 2 minutes after. "Have a fun time in the cabin, game child," I laughed as I passed him. As I was almost to the spinner he jumped on my back and went to the spinner with me. The spinning made me sick, but I could hold the puke in long enough to last. Once it stopped I was panting, but I saw Sam crawling for the exit, "I'm winning for my team, and getting that Hotel!" I was holding Sam by the back of his pants, so that tore off and he made it. "And the Hero team wins!!" Chris exclaimed. I jumped out of the spinner and walked over to my team. "I knew she couldn't do it," Heather said. As I was walking pass her I stepped on her foot, and just to let out anger I gave her an uppercut to the face. I made sure everyone saw, and felt bad for her because she's getting fucked up tonight. 

"Listen campers, I have some shocking news. It turns out, after reviewing the recording, that the Hero team didn't finish their pancake," Chris announced. It turns out that Sam kept some pieces of pancake in his pockets, "So that means..." I thought. "The Villains team wins!!" I cheered with happiness, but something came up with that feeling. I quickly ran to a bush and threw up everything I ate in the last 24 hours. As I was walking back to Mal he said, "You done now, Red?" I wiped off some vomit that was left on my mouth. "You try and hold all that down, Mal. If I had any left I would throw up on you." I said as I went to sit in the nicer seats. It ended up to be either Sam or Sierra going home, but I knew that Sam was going home. He made the team lose by stashing some of the stuff, it's common sense to vote him off. 

I woke Mal up from his nap, "What the hell do you want, Red?" I smiled and dragged him to the balcony. He was about to ask what this was about, but I shushed him. Suddenly, there was screaming and Heather ran outside very quickly. "I stuffed her pillow with bees and honey, so I wanted to share this with you," I smirked. We both started laughing at her, and she just screamed " I HATE YOU LUKA!!"

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