Our Biggest Fears

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"Hey, where's Mal and Luka?" Cameron asked as my whole team was eating breakfast. "Who cares about them? They never try and help out, especially that Luka girl. She just wants to win for her and Mal, and once we merge they are going to be the first ones to go," Courtney insisted. While they were talking among their selves, Mal and I were in the back of the cabin and smoking some cigarettes Mal stashed. "We need to be stronger and faster than ever. You can do better than what you did yesterday," Mal said in a quiet, but deep voice. When he talked like that he meant business, so I had to be stronger. "Plus there's only 9 people left, so there's a chance we might merge. We still have our alliance with Courtney and Duncan, what do we do with that?" I asked him. He got an evil grin on his face, then told me to she who Courtney wants to vote off. I already knew that answer, and it was Cameron she wanted off. "Good, so-" before Mal could get another word out Chris called everyone to some place I couldn't understand. Mal just growled and put out his cigarette, "In this challenge, whatever it is, you don't go down." 

When we first got there, I saw a boxing ring in the middle of the place. With the rules of the challenge I was worry free. Basically, each of us had to fight our biggest fears and the first one to 3 points is the winner. Since Zoey got MVP last time, she didn't have to box for her team and they instantly got a point. Someone had to fight first from my team, and Scott offered for some reason. We all knew that he was terrified of a shark named Fang, and surprise that was his opponent to fight. Once Scott saw Fang he went full on blank, so Chef had to throw him into the ring to start the match. Scott went down easily, and that's no surprise to me since I was laughing the whole time. Sierra went next, and her opponent was just a bigger version of "Cody Jr."   "Alright, bring it on barf breath!!" She yelled. Unlike Scott, at least she tried to win but she ended up with a black eye and I'm thinking some broken bones too. 

"Alright Villains, you're up," Chris said. Alejandro stepped up to spin the wheel, and he got an 'interesting' challenger. "No! It can't be!?" He said surprised. It was his older brother, Jose, and he was here to beat him at another thing since he was the better one. It was a little boring at first because no one was getting hurt, but when Jose said something bad about Heather Alejandro just lost it. I have to say, he earned that point for our team and I'm proud he actual won. "Change of plans, since Luka's fear was the hardest to find she's going next," Chris said. I shrugged and came up to the wheel, about to spin it when Chef stops me. "What?" I asked him. I looked at Chris and he handed me a piece of paper, "What's it say?" Courtney asked. I froze when I saw the name on that paper, so Chris answered for me. "Luka isn't scared of anything, expect one thing and that is...her sister!" Before I was bad and strong, my older sister would walk all over me for no reason. She'd pick on me, fight me, and just flat out abuse me for no reason at all. "Hello again, Little Sis.~" She said. Her name was Alex.

I went into the ring with my gloves on, and shaking a bit. "You look pale darling, what's the matter? Let your sister take care of you," She said. The bell rang and she same at me with speed I couldn't keep up with. "This is too easy!" She yelled as she threw me in the air to bring me back down even harder. Once I hit the ground, I couldn't get back up again. "Come on Luka, get up and win for this team!!" Courtney yelled. I couldn't move, my body just went limp and I couldn't move at all. When I looked at Mal he looked...disappointed in me. I felt bad, and I felt...ANGER in my soul. Alex had her back turned from me, so with a burst of energy I grabbed her and threw her to the ground. "I never go down without a fight!" I yell. She back up and I was dodging all of her hits, remembering the face Mal made at me. I kicked her in her jaw, gave her an uppercut, threw her up into the air, and brought her down even harder.  "I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid of losing in front f someone. If I ever see you again, you'll meet my fist. Got it, Big Sis?~" I whispered to her. I took off the gloves and walked over to Mal, not looking at him. "That's 2 to 2. Hero team, send your next fighter." Chris said. Duncan went up, thinking he can change his image from "Duncan Do-right"  back to "Duncan the Bad Boy". If he really wanted to do that, than he might not like his fighting opponent which was the little bird he met in the fun zone. 

Once the bell sounded Duncan tried to take a punch at it, but it started to make those puppy dog eyes at him which made him hesitate a bit. We all knew that the hero team changed him a lot, so he didn't fight the bird. Gwen and Courtney were laughing at him a lot when he "fought". Courtney said, "Nice try snake hands!" 

The rest of the challenge I didn't pay attention to, because it really didn't matter. All I heard was both teams get a point for warming Chris's heart, which is impossible by the way. "That 3 to 2, the Villains win!" Chris said. I cheered, as the other teamed sighed in sadness. I needed to put all this behind me so that I can focus on getting other people kicked off. 

Once we got to the ceremony there were a couple of surprises for us. "The villains get to chose who's going home tonight, and the hero team is deciding who's going to Boney Island. Got it? Good," Chris said. Of course Mal and I still needs to get rid of Sierra, because reasons, so we gave them the idea for voting her off. Now that Sierra was going home, all that's left is that the hero team decide who's going to Boney Island and they all picked Alejandro. I guess he is a threat for the other team, but off topic I bet he hasn't figured out who R.L is yet. 

When we got to the Hotel/Spa I had the chance to use the Sauna, so I took it. Relaxing in there was really something you'd love to death, and I mean literally to DEATH. After a while in the Sauna, I heard someone come in and it was Mal. "Are you here to tell me how weak I am?" I asked him. He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into his lap. "We are in this Hotel, so we didn't lose. We're in the Sauna, which means you can get even more hot for me," Mal chuckled in my ear. I kissed him deeply, knowing that we were far into the competition but needs to get rid of the competition. 

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