Chris is missing

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I was writing in my book, trying out some new battle plans when I hear low growling so I thought it was Mal. "You okay Mal? Did someone upset the king?" I teased. He just looked at me with such a glare I thought I was burning in flames. I closed my book and turned to Mal, "That Alejandro is going to pay for sabotaging my sabotage. He will fall to my feet!" Mal exclaimed. I sighed at Mal's stupidity, "Always remember that Alejandro is clever when he has the right stuff, so all we have to do is frame for some stuff he most likely to do." He smiled at me and grabbed me by my waist. We were called into the hotel for a surprise, or something but when we got there Chris wasn't there. Suddenly, he appeared on a monitor with a huge cake with a big 100 on it. "Welcome to the 100th episode of Total Drama! Today I'm going have all of you do a special challenge," Chris said. While he was talking, there was something in the background creeping up on him and I didn't know what it was. "Is that-?" Gwen asked, afraid. The creature then grabbed Chris and knock the camera man and the camera out. "New challenge, save Chris!!" Chef yelled. Before we went to go find Chris everyone had demands, and we made sure those demands were met. "Last time Zeke was living in the mines, maybe he took Chris there," Zoey suggested. 

We were all given flashlights to go and find Zeke and Chris, so Mal and I was off to get our prize. "Hey Mal, it's only one person who gets the prizes. Which one of us would get it?" I asked him. We both jumped in a hole we found, "If one of us wins and finds Chris, then we have to invite the other one into the hotel with them." Mal said. All of a sudden, we heard a loud scream from something that wasn't human. I knew that was Zeke, since I remembered his scream from the tape. "This way!" I said as I ran and Mal followed me. While we were running I heard someone else running behind us, so I decided to look behind us. "Duck!" I told Mal. He did it and I kicked whatever was following us in the face, which made it fall to the ground. It quickly got up and took Mal away, but I couldn't catch up with it for some reason. I keep running for some reason, but I'm glad I did because I found Chris hanging above a pool of acid. "Luka!" Courtney yelled. Zeke than started to throw up in a vertical motion towards me, so I dodged it easily. "Look out Red!" Mal shouted. I looked up and saw that some parts of cave have collapsed, but I ran towards Chris while being chased by Zeke. 

Chef tried to take him out with a huge canon he had, but Zeke took it from him and used it on him. When he dropped it I quickly picked it up and threw it to Gwen, "Catch!" She caught it and Zeke tackled me to the ground. I managed to get Zeke in front of me as the perfect target, and Gwen got the perfect shot. While she tried to get Cameron from the pile of rocks he was buried in, I untied Chris and unlocked the cage everyone else was in. "Let's hurry and get out of here!" I yelled as everyone ran out of the cave.

"Gwen wins the prize!" Chris says. I was surprised and very anger, "What?! I saved you from falling into acid, and she gets the prize!? That's so not fair that I don't get anything!!" Chris responded with, "Gwen took Zeke down, you just untied me and ran away. Gwen did more than you ever did, so she gets the prize." I growled loudly and just ignored him for the most part. Eventually Cameron had to go home, because he was too injured to continue the game. We got to say our goodbyes, but when it was my turn I said to him, "You're going to be watching this show at home, so you'll be seeing some bad stuff happening to Gwen. She took what I need, so she's getting a punishment."  Gwen also got to pick who was going to Boney Island, and she picked Alejandro again. 

Once we all went back to the camp site, I pulled Courtney into somewhere no one would hear us. "What do you want?" She asked. I tried to keep most of my anger inside, but that ended up with my left eye twitching. "I just need to know who you want to vote off next. I say we vote off Alejandro," I said. She nodded with a smile on her face, "You agree. We'll both go convince people to vote him off, deal?" I held out my hand, then she shook it. At least she was one of the people I could work with sometimes, but she has to go if I want that million dollars. I still had to do something bad to Gwen, so I decided to give her a taste of what she was getting. 

There was screaming outside, so everyone ran outside to see what was going on. "Anyone help me?!" Gwen screamed. I wanted to congratulate Gwen on winning that challenge, so I got her a gift of 80 snakes and a rabid dog. Don't try and figure out where I got the snakes, I had them with me from the start just in case. I finally got out of bed and walked outside to see my work. "Good work, you calmed down now?" Mal asked me while he was behind me. I smiled and laughed, "Yeah, but that was just a snake I gave her." I kissed his cheek and went back into my bed to sleep through all the commotion outside.  

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