Leech Battle

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I couldn't sleep most of the night, because Jo and Heather were fussing at each other. Eventually Gwen stepped in and got them to shut up, and I think that was good of her to shut them up for my sleep. When we were called for another challenge Mal caught up with me to tel me something. "You know that nerd that has a video game addiction?" He said. "Sam? What about him?" I asked, knowing he did something that could make it easier to win this challenge. He took out a picture of a broken game system, "His video games! Take out the weak then level up, I get it. Once he gets back, he's going to cost that team so much." Mal is working for me this time, and when we get that million we can use it for our own demands. Basically, Chris explained that we have to race to get some paintball equipment and the first ones there get high-tech equipment to shoot the other team with. There was a twist to the paint balls, they weren't paint balls at all. Instead, they were leeches because Chris just has to make it funner for me. "As winner of yesterday's challenge, the Hero team gets a one minute head start," Chris exclaimed. After one minute of pep talking to myself, since I can't run that fast, we all ran towards "the heart of the forest". We all didn't know where the heart of the forest was, but for some reason I had this gut feeling that said keep running. "I know where it is, just keep up with me!" I shouted. I was pretty fast since I was thinking of just winning this whole show, and using the money for my needs and demands. After some time of running, we cut off the other team from getting the high-tech equipment. "Good running...for an amateur," Mal said grinning. I was panting pretty hard, so it was hard for me to speak. "Remember...I was the one who....lead you here," I manged to say. 

I caught up with my breath, got my weapon, and head out into the forest with my team to take out the other team. "Maybe we should split up," Gwen suggested. When she said that Heather, Jo, and Alejandro wanted to go with Gwen. I was about to yell at them for wasting time, but a leech was then launched at Alejandro to knock him to the floor.  Heather also got a leech, and Jo hit Scott and gave their team a point, so they were up to 3 points. Gwen, Duncan, Mal, and I went deeper into the forest to try and get points. "Just pretend that Mike is Courtney, you'll do fine," Duncan said. Gwen of course objected to that, but while they were talking Cameron shot a leech at Gwen. "DUNCAN!" I yelled. He instantly jumped and took the leech in the butt for her while Gwen and I took out Cameron easily. Sierra tried to take one of us out, but ended up giving us the point easily. "You want some help with that?" I asked Sierra. She nodded, so I shot her with even more leeches. "Sorry, my finger slipped.~" 

"The Hero team still lead with 4 points to 2 points," Chris announced. Mal and I already took off to another part of the forest, and heard that they had 5 points and only needed one more point to win. "I'm not losing another challenge and sleeping in that cabin again!" I yelled. I saw a cave and ran to it, to see if anyone was hiding in there. "Might want to see this, Red." Mal chuckled. I looked inside to see Jo with a leech in her head. "With the score of 6 points, the Hero team wins!!" Chris exclaimed. My eye began to twitch a bit, then I screamed. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" 

In the usual ceremony I was just muttering to myself about how PATHETIC this team was today. I didn't tune in until the end to hear that Jo was getting kicked off, also to hear that Duncan and Courtney were switching teams. It was a good and bad situation for me and Mal, since it'll be easier to get with Courtney and fool her but she's going to try and control the team also. When we were walking to our cabin Mike tried to cheer me up. "Hey it's okay, you'll get in the Hotel next time," He said. I turned around and looked him straight in the eye, grabbed him by the collar and just broke. "I don't need your pity! I'm Luka, the one who basically ran prison from the inside out! I can't wait to beat your team and let the pieces of you and others fall on the ground, while my team and I are enjoy themselves," I knew that everyone was watching, but that meant everyone now knows not to get on my bad side. I let Mike go, but I still had more to say. "One more thing, welcome to the dark side Courtney. Try and take over, then it's over for you." I went into the cabin and slammed the door behind me. Apart from my outburst, tomorrow Mal and I still have some work to do with the alliance. 

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