The "Fun" Zone

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Since that "moon madness" for the last challenge, I decided to give myself a treat and sleep for an extra long time. I was having the best dream of me in my throne, ruling over everyone but I felt someone shaking me. "Go....away," I manged to say. After about 3 seconds of nothing, I feel a sharp pain on my cheek because that person just slapped me. I quickly got up, pushed them towards a wall, grabbed their neck, and was about to punch them. "Really anger in the morning, sleeping beauty?" Mal asked. I let go of him and growled quietly, "What do you need right now, Mal? You already know that I don't like to be woken up." He smiled his usual smile, so I knew he did some more sabotaging or just plain fun. "Duncan really is changing, so I helped him get rid of that nasty knife of his," He chuckled. I saw multiple photos on my nightstand, and they were all of Mal destroying Duncan's knife. I know I formed an alliance with him, but I didn't need him since he's so weak now. "Lower his edge, so that he does something so stupid to get him kicked off the island. God, it's like playing chess in this game but it's so whole it," I sighed.  "Since you've seen that, what do we do about the new nerd on the team? " Mal questioned. Honestly I did know he wouldn't survive this team, because with Courtney he might be the next one to go if we lose. "With the nice Gwen here she might make friends with him, so we can use that to our advantage however we can," I said as I went into the bathroom to take a shower.  As I finished putting my clothes on, the horn went off, "Everyone get your butts down to the docks, it's challenge time!" Just on time too.

When we all made it to the docks Chris told us that this challenge took place in something called "The Fun Zone". Knowing Chris, and his great form of torture to call it entertainment, there was going to be  little caught. Just in time Scott came back from Boney Island, so that was our ride to this "fun" zone. It was also possible to find an invincibility statue on the island since no one found it yet. Scott says he looked for it everywhere, but he isn't very bright so I doubt he'd find it before me. Off topic, if the "fun" zone is on Boney Island then the challenge wasn't about to be relaxing  for any of us. 

"Welcome to the outside of the Fun Zone!" Chris exclaimed. He opened the door and it was a jungle more dangerous than any other, so I loved it. To win the challenge we had to collect 6 or more eggs from deep inside the jungle and bring it back to our giant bowl. Chris then blew the horn and we were off to find some giant mutated eggs. I looked back at Mal and he shook his head, indicating that he was ready to start our plan so we ran into a small bush to go over everything. "I'll handle the beast while you get the eggs."  "And you'll sabotage others when I'm running back to the entrance, got it?" I nodded and we took off to a nearby creature with an egg. I quickly grabbed a long plant root, climbed up onto it's back, and tried to tame it. "Got em!" Mal yelled as he carried the giant egg. The creature didn't want to be tamed, so I had to jump right in front of it and tied the root to a tree. "I'll come back for you, just not now," I said as I ran in the other direction to find someone to sabotage from the other team. "And it's 4 to 3, Villains!" Chris said over the microphone. I tried to ignore what he said after that, but I thought he mentioned me and he did. "Oh Luka, you might want to see this," He said. I climbed up a tree to see the monitor that was above the closed door. I couldn't hear it that well, but all I saw was Duncan crying over a stupid bird. I knew Duncan wasn't tough anymore, but he still knew some stuff so I had to keep him around. Man, now I know why he can't get any girls anymore and I still don't feel sad for him. I met back up with Mal to go search for more eggs, but it was too late and I found something even more valuable than winning. Mal was confused on what I was doing, "Let's go Red."  "Hold on!" I took the object out and wrote something on it, putting it back and running to catch up with Mal.

We lost  5 to 17, and Zoey was getting a special surprise for some reason but I didn't care for that. We had to vote off someone, and it ended up to be Alejandro going home today. "I don't I'm going home," He said. Heather scoffed, "Oh yeah? Well why's that?" Alejandro actually got up on his legs after walking on his hands for at least 6 episodes, saying his legs were numb. "I've got immunity," He smiled at Heather. Of course she was pissed off, but she was even more pissed off that she was now the one getting kicked off. "NOOOOO!!!" She screamed. Before Heather went down the flusher, Chris said "You might want to look on the back of that statue, Al." He growled at him and checked the back of the statue. It read, "Let's see who wins this war  ~R.L" 

"Now, someone from the winning team has to go to Boney Island," Chris said. Mike volunteered to go for some reason, but that wasn't any of my business. Now that Heather's gone, I can finally not get a head ache from her complaining. Plus, I think Courtney going to try and control us next so I have to prepare something for her.   

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