19: Fire

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Rin's P.O.V

I walked away from the fallen Dr. Amadi. He grabbed my ankle making me fall. I quickly turned on my back and kicked him in the nose. I could here the crack when my foot made contact with his face. He let go and I jumped back. I can't let him control me anymore. There was only one way to make sure that he will never come after me or anyone else again. I must take his life.

It was weird. A hour ago he was strangling me and I just let it happen, and now I was about to kill him. He did say he was going to kill me and I learned that if he wanted me dead, then I would die without hesitatation. How did everything that he said come into my mind and shape my character so much. I am Rin Nakamura. I am my own person. Now it's my time, and I'll do what I want because this is my life.

I rolled him over holding him down by the shoulders with my hand out getting ready to strangle him, but his look stopped me. He gave me the first glance of fear that I have seen from him since when I first met him. He was scared of me.

"Please." he begged. "I promise I won't mess with you anymore." I thought about it but it was just a game. I remember him making me plead. All of the torture that he made me indore and he was asking me for forgivness. There was no way I can make myself forgive what he has done to me. I looked over at the desk of torture tools that he used. I picked up a lighter and flicked the flame on.

"The golden flames. They are always there for me, but you deserve to be trialed by them. You live, I won't kill you after, you die, and it's the end for you." his eyes widened as I stood grabbing a can on gasoline and dumping it on Amadi and the rest of the room.

"YOUR GOING TO TORCH THE PLACE!?" he yelled in realization. I looked to him. He was right. This place is going to go up in flames and nothing is going to change that fact. Nothing is going to change my obsession with the flames stolen from hell, but there was one thing I could do. Live on no matter what.

"I might be a murder, an arsonist, and famous criminal, and a phycopath, but there is the part of me that is still innocent too. . . . a child." I thought of my parents. "A leader." I thought of all the times in school and during the asylum that I stopped violence. "and even a friend." I thought of Hayley, Marcie, Emma, and Hal. How even when I was crazy on drugs they stayed with me and how when I was afraid of the future I saved them.

"Sounds to me like all you are is a bipolar danger." he growled. I shrugged.

"Maybe you are right, but no one can tell the future." I said bringing the liter out of my pocket and opening the cover. I stared at the little lever to spark the flame and the silver that gleamed in the sun.

"You phycopathic flame murderer. Why won't you ever surrender?"

"You know, your right about one thing." I said holding the flame near my face. "I will never surrender." Then I lit Dr. Amadi on fire along with the rest of the torture chamber. Fire rose in the air and smoke started to barrel at me. I was so ingaged with the sight of the fire that I didn't even realise that he was up on his feet. He had a knife. I didn't notice until I was stabbed from behind. I fell blood rushing from the wound. His clothes were on fire and his skin was blistering.

"If I'm going to die then you will too." he said before stabbing me again in the arm. I groaned as the pain serged but the adreneline in my body just kept pushing me forward. Forget about the pain and fight. Keep going. I hit the knife out of his hand and it slid into a pil of fire. Blood has now soaked the front of my clothes and Amadi's skin was getting to an unhealthy state. I had to pull the alarm. I had to get everyone out before more innocents are dragged into this. I guess I was in teh moment and I was being stupid. Amadi's burning body has fallen and lays limp on the floor, but I don't think he's dead. Not yet.

I couldn't move my legs nor could i use one of my arms. I crawled over through flames and the broken pieces of the room, but I made it. With one last bit of strength left the alarm pulled and everything went off. Teh alarm beeped warning everyone and I smiled. I was sitting now looking as the flames closed in. I get to be judged myself now. Will I die, or will I live. Will I be accepted or denied. No matter what. I'm fine with teh outcome. I have something to live for. I have came up on top and now I might get to see you one last time.

"Mommy, Daddy, I'm coming home with you guys. So be ready to have fun." I saw the smoke twist and form into two figures. One was female with brown hair blue eyes and the other was male with black hair and green eyes. It was mommy and daddy. Finally. I get to see them. They came over and my mom kissed my forhead as they both hugged my form. Then I fell onto my side falling limp onto the ground. The last thing I see is yellow suits coome through the golden flames. White clouded everything around me before my eyes close.

This book will be wrapping up soon so have fun waiting for the end.

Word Count: 1019

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