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Maybe I was imagining things, but Kaetlyn and Elena, who'd just joined us, saw her too. It was Adeline, my twin sister. We're twins, but we don't look alike. She has fiery reddish orange hair that fits her personality, and pale skin. I was like the complete opposite with brown hair and brown eyes.  We've had our ups and downs in the past, but who cares? I threw my arms around her, embracing her in a hug that probably suffocated her, but whatever. 

"Adeline, oh my god," I breathed. "It's really you, it's really you. What are you-how-" I had a million questions swarming in my head. Why are you here? How did you get here? You're not even Multifandom.

As if she could read my mind (I swear, it's a twin thing), she said," Yep, it's really me. I'm right here. News spread quickly around Fandom Academy, and everyone found out that you guys were Multifandoms. I did a little... snooping around and some guy called Walt helped me." 

Elena snapped her head up at the mention of Walt and had an unreadable expression on her face. 

"Anyways, he knew about this place and told me you guys would be here, and how it was part of the rescue plan or something." she explained. 

"But why are you here?" I gaped. I still couldn't believe all of this was happening. I was probably in a dream, and I'd wake up back in the van, all tied up.

Adeline rolled her eyes. "For you, stupidface." She hugged me again. I smiled. A month ago if you asked me about Adeline, I'd say she was an okay sister. She was a bitch sometimes, but sometimes she'd be on my side. Now I can see how she's changed- for the better. I'd say she's the best sister I could ask for. God, I'm so cheesy.

"The Walt guy... how's he doing?" Elena asked carefully, like she was afraid she'd let somethihng slip.

Adeline crinkled her perfect eyebrows," I don't know, he said he's gone into hiding. I'm sure he's safe." Elena's concerned face relaxed a bit.

"Wait... you're not Multifandom... you don't even like the whole idea of Multifandom," I frowned. Adeline pointed proudly at her Multifandom Academy sash, with two little badges, one that said 1D, and the other said 5SOS. 

I gasped," Y-you joined another fandom?" Adeline spent her whole life tormenting me about how Multifandoms were bad, and how I wasn't a true fan, blah blah blah. 

She nodded and giggled," I had to join another fandom to get into this place, and I figured, why not? I like 5SOS. Now I have 9 husbands instead of 5, how awesome is that?" 

We all laughed at the last part. 

"Hello, ladies. I hope I'm not interrupting," a Scottish voice that I haven't heard in a long time said.

Kaetlyn, Elena and I all whipped around and gasped. It was Mr. Andrews, or well, Peter, the old blogging teacher at Fandom Academy who got "fired" or "resigned" apparently (depending on which rumour you're thinking of). There were rumours about me and him in a romantic relationship because he held Multifandom meetings and someone saw me go there alot. I was afraid they'd done something to him, but he seemed well to me. I wasn't sure if I should be scared to happy to see him. I still felt bad for the whole "Kat and Mr. Andrews hooked up" thing but I was more glad to see him again. To be honest, we all thought the scientists brought him to the lab.

"Peter!" Kaetlyn cried. 

"Nice to see you all," he smiled. He wore a blue suit now instead of the brown pinstriped one he used to wear.

"M-Mr. Andrews," I stuttered. 

"You know you can call me Peter," he said. I smiled.

"What happened to you?" Kaetlyn asked.

"I was taken away, yes, but not by scientists. I was taken by the Multifandom men from here who wanted to bring me to safety. I would have warned you guys if I had the chance, but I ddin't and I will forever be sorry for that," Peter explained. It makes me feel better that he didn't leave because of me and the rumours about me. 

"Any more friendly faces here that we should know about?" I asked. First Adeline, then Peter. What other surprises were we in for? 

Peter hesitated," Well- there is someone else here that you may know... but I'm not too sure about "friendly"." 

Adeline, Elena, Kaetlyn and I exchanged uneasy glances. I thought of Wes, Olivia, or Elsa, the ones that I feared the most from Fandom Academy. Why would they be here though? I'm pretty sure Elsa would bring at least a dozen troops of scientists with her to attack. Who else could it be though? 

Multifandom- book two in the Fandom Academy seriesWhere stories live. Discover now