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"Today's assignment is to write an essay about your OTP. Now, can anyone tell me what OTP stands for?" Ms. Truman asked. I rolled my eyes. Seriously, if you don't even know what OTP stands for, why are you even at a fangirl school? "Yes, Miss RIvers?" 

Rivers. Wasn't that Sydney's last name? Gods, how many Rivers were there? 

"One true pairing... ma'am," a sharp and icy voice replied. I felt the hairs on my arms standing up, and a wave of goosebumps hit me. It sounded eerily like Sydney. I was probably starting to imagine things, I thought as I shivered.

"Thank you Sydney," Ms. Truman said. Sydney. At the mention of the name Sydney, my head snapped up and I looked at the girl who just answered. I hadn't known Sydney for long, but I could recognise those honey-blonde curls anywhere. I exchanged a horrified look with Rachel, and watched as Sydney's face turned to look at the girl beside her. This was definitely the Sydney Rivers... who was locked up just yesterday for mental issues.


"Who let the bitch out?" Adeline demanded, with a scowl on her face.

"They released her because the tests showed that there was nothing wrong with her at all," Reed answered. 

My stomach lurched. "So... it was all an act, that mental stuff?" 

"Apparently so," Reed said," she doesn't want to be here, but we can't let her leave, it's too risky. We can't have other people knowing about us, so we made sure she'll stay here."

"How are you so sure she'll stay?" I asked nervously. I tried imagining the horrible things they'd done to her to make her keep this secret.

Reed exchanged glances with Peter and they both looked uncomfortable. "Well..." Peter began," You're not going to like this..."

"They er... temporarily erased some of her memories so she thinks that she belongs here," Reed said quietly. I'd never seen Reed look so self conscious before, it was as if the guilt was crushing him.

Everyone in the room froze. I gaped at Reed and Peter, hoping that this was a joke, or he was being sarcastic or something.

"What the hell? You guys promised not to do anything to hurt her!" Elena cried and glared at Reed. Elena must have felt sympathetic because of what happened during her time at the Labs. 

"I'm sorry, I- Peter and I tried to stop it, we voted against it, but that was their only option," Reed said.

"But that's fucking sick, this makes us no better than the Scientists," Elena continued to yell at Reed, even though there was no use. Sydney's memories were gone, and there was nothing we could do. Somewhere in the corner, Rachel was whining about how this was all her fault, and Adeline was quiet, for once. 

We temporarily erased some of her memories "Wait," I called out, The room silenced and everyone turned to stare at me. "You said temporarily erased...what did you mean by temporarily?" 

Peter spoke up this time, instead of Reed," We can only take away those memories for a month, and we have to re-take the memories once a month." 

"Well then maybe we can find another, more humane way to deal with Sydney by then," Elena suggested. 

Reed sighed, slightly annoyed. "We'll do our best."

I caught Peter's eye. Peter was the real psychologist here, but something about it told me that they couldn't do anything about it. 

Multifandom- book two in the Fandom Academy seriesWhere stories live. Discover now