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"Hey. Mind if I sit here?" an annoyingly familiar voice asked. I turned and saw Sydney and the brunette that was in Writing Class earlier. I bit my lip and looked at my friends for help.

"Um, sure. Why not?" Kaetlyn said nervously.

A smile appeared on Sydney's face, which looked a bit odd since before, every time I saw Sydney she looked like she was about to kill me. "Awesome. I'm Sydney Rivers," she smiled. The smile seemed slightly creepy, which bothered me a bit. She squinted at us- or me. I couldn't tell. "You look familiar... have we met?" So the memory erasing wasn't working 100%.

I panicked, and thank gods Adeline cut in. "Oh, no, but she does look a bit like Shailene Woodley, doesn't she? That's probably where you've seen her." I almost choked on my blue Percy cake. Me? Look like Shailene Woodley? That was utter bullshit. Shai was practically a goddess and I was the ugliest person on earth.

"Oh my god, you're so right," the brunette widened her chocolate-brown eyes at me. "I'm Sharen by the way. With an 'e' instead of an 'o'." she gave a friendly laugh. Something about her looked sort of familliar, but I wasn't about to bring that up. I didn't want Sydney to start remembering me, or any of us. 

"Nice to meet you, Sharen, I'm Rachel." Rachel smiled politely. I could tell she was trying to act as nice as possible to Sydney and Sharen, since she still felt terrible about what she did to Sydney, even though Sydney had no memory of that... for now at least. 

"Did you guys see the new The Fault In Our Stars trailer?" Sydney said excitedly. Then we all started fangirling about the new trailer and we all relaxed about the whole Sydney remembers thing. Well, maybe I couldn't speak for all of us. Kaetlyn, who wasn't a nerdfighter, seemed to be studying Sharen's face carefully, like she recognized her from somewhere. I raised an eyebrow at her, and she mouthed tell you later. I nodded and turned back to Sydney's phone. Whatever Kaetlyn discovered, it made her feel uncomfortable. 

"Excuse me, I have to go the washroom," Kaetlyn got up and mumbled. 

"I'll go with you," I got up quickly, too quickly. I knocked over Rachel's can of nectar. It spilled all over her and Adeline. "Oh my gods, I'm sorry," I said. This was so ironic, it probably looked like I'd spilled it on purpose so we could all have an excuse to go to the washroom together, but it really wasn't. 

"Let's get that cleaned up," Adeline sighed, and the four of us went to the washroom while Elena stayed with Sydney and Sharen. 

Once we were in the washroom and checked that it was completely empty (Rule for life. Always check washrooms before gossiping) . 

"Okay, so what is this all about?" Rachel asked as she dabbed wet paper towels onto her Heroes of Olympus Schist Happens t-shirt. 

"Yeah. Was this worth getting my  new 5SOS shirt dirty?" Adeline grumbled. 

"I'm sorry! Look, believe it or not I actually did not mean to spill this," I sighed," and Kaetlyn was going to tell me something... about Sharen."

Kaetlyn bit her lip," I'm not 100 percent sure, but I think Sharen is Elsa's daughter." 

Chills ran all over my body. "How do you know that?" I asked nervously. 

Kaetlyn looked both ways before replying even though we were sure nobody else was in the washroom. "Her face looked familiar, and then I remembered where I saw her face. I've seen family photos on Elsa's computer before. One time I borrowed- without permission,  it to work on my Editing project since my laptop was broken, and I saw those photos. Elsa got really pissed that I went through her photos though." 

"What if they were photo-shopped? I mean, she's Elsa, the queen of photoshopping," Rachel protested.

I shivered at that, thinking back to when Elsa photoshopped a video that was originally Wes and I having almost-sex, and changed it into a video of Mr. Andrews and I instead. Elsa also worked for the Scientists, so I'm positive she was up to no good.

"Okay, so what the hell is Elsa's daughter doing here?" Adeline asked. "Isn't Elsa completely against Multifandom-ness?"

"What if Sharen's a spy or something? You know, after Olivia, we really can't trust anyone," I said quietly. Then I saw Rachel's face look a bit hurt so I added," aside from each other of course." 

"Well, whatever it is, we have to be careful around her, okay?" Kaetlyn mumbled. 

We nodded, and at that moment, the washroom door swung open. All four of us jumped, even Adeline. We turned to see who came in the washroom.  It was Sharen. 

Multifandom- book two in the Fandom Academy seriesWhere stories live. Discover now