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"A sleepover with Sharen Eccels? Are you joking?" Elena gaped when  Adeline and I finally broke the news. 

"I may be crazy, but I'm not that crazy," Kaetlyn muttered. Rachel looked scared.

"Come on you guys," Adeline rolled her eyes, "We need answers and this is the best way."

"And Kat agreed to do this?" Kaetlyn raised an eyebrow. "No offence." she added. Of course nobody would expect quiet little Kat Pearson would go on a potentially dangerous sleepover. I brushed off the totally not offensive at all comment. 

"You could say I left Amity and transferred to Dauntless," I said, trying to sound witty or something.

"I'm totally in," Rob joked, kissing Adeline's cheek softly.

Adeline giggled, "No one invited you." and playfully slapped his arm. They started dating last week, and Rachel and Kaetlyn even  started shipping them. Robaline, they called it. Terrible ship name if you ask me. 

"I knew Elsa. She despised me because I was horrible at editing," Adam said. 

"You went to Fandom Academy?' I blurted out, surprised. I instantly regretted that, because I still owed him a proper apology, and this was the first thing I've said to him since. 

"Yeah, in Year 3. Then I came here afterwards. " he said. 

"I don't remember you," Kaetlyn frowned. This made Adam look suspicious and made it look like he was lying, so it gave me all the more reason to not trust him- and not apologize.

"I was shy- even for a nerd. I was quite short as well," he shrugged. I squinted, trying to figure out whether he was lying or not. I tried getting Peter to teach me some psychology stuff, but it was complicated. 

"Oh," Kaetlyn dismissed it. If only I could dismiss it as quickly as that.


(two days later) 

The bell rang for class and the group broke apart. Only Adeline and Adam were going the same way as me, but Rob walked Adeline to her class and I was third-wheeling behind awkwardly. What made it even more awkward was Adam walking silently next to me.

The guilt had been crushing me for days, and Adeline and Kaetlyn finally got me to come around. "Hey," I said quietly.

"Hi Kat. I- I'm sorry about the other day," he said. 

I gulped. Here we go. "No, Adam. should be sorry. I mean, I am sorry. Yeah, sorry about how I acted " 

He smiled," It's fine, Katrynna." after a short pause, he added," You're an amazing girl, you know that right?" 

Katrynna. When was the last time someone called me by my full name? I can see he was trying to make me feel special or something. Did I like him back? I wasn't sure what liking someone actually felt like anymore, because what I had for Wes was definitely wrong. Adam was a cool guy, smart, funny, kind, attractive, fanboy. Also, I wasn't sure whether I was afraid of breaking his heart (again), or getting my heart broken (again). Probably both.

Adam continued to speak. "I understand that- you don't like me, not in that way anyways, but I hope we can still be frien-"

"I do, Adam, I do," I blurted out, interrupting him. 

"What?" he blinked. 

I blushed. God, why was I so awkward? "I mean, I do like you in that way, Adam."  I can't believe I just said all that. I'll probably regret this all afterwards, I know I will. 

"I- Katrynna-," now Adam was lost for words. 

My heart started pounding as I prepared for my next move. Adeline taught me to do all this, I never thought I'd have the nerve to, but I surprised myself.. and surprised Adam too. I reached up my hand and placed it on his face. I took a deep breath, and pressed my lips against his. 

Multifandom- book two in the Fandom Academy seriesWhere stories live. Discover now