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The first day of classes was like a major deja vu. Not long ago, I was starting school at Fandom Academy. That seemed like ages though. So much has happened since then. I glanced over at Adeline sitting at the back, with her red-orange hair standing out. I wanted to talk to her right now, but our assigned seats were all the way across the room. If only the whole "Twin-Psychic-Bond" thing were true... or if Addie and I had a bond like Rose and Lissa in Vampire Academy.

Since we were all Multifandoms here, we had more classes because we were in more fandoms, so instead of a regualrly switching scheduel between one and two, we had different classes each day of the week. It was exhausting, but amazing at the same time. I was in fanfic writing, which I was pretty decent at. I was in the middle of writing my Fourtris fanfic when the tall brunette girl with the red glasses beside me slid over and peered over my shoulder. 

"You ship Fourtris? Oh my god why aren't you writing about Everlark? You are a Tribute write?" she scoffed as she chewed her gum loudly.

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably," Um- yes. But it's my otp so-"

She continued to chew her gum obnoxiously," Yeah well, then you're not a true tribute. Okay? Okay."

I felt my face burn with rage. I hated when people critisized Multifandoms, but when Multifandoms insult other Multifandoms? Not cool, dude. We're all on the same boat here what makes you think you're better than everyone else? Being Multifandom is like being a house with many rooms, the rooms being the fandoms. You only turn on the light in the room when you're using it, meaning you only actviate that part of yourself when you're going through that phase. It's hard to explain but basically I may be inactive in one fandom but that doesn't mean I"m not in it does it? Just because I'm shipping Fourtris harder than Everlark at the moment that doesn't mean I'm not a real Tribute. I didn't bother explaining all this to the girl, I doubt she would get it. After all, she was only in 2 Fandoms. Lesser Multifandoms generally don't get how people with 12 fandoms feel. I ignored and went back to my fic.

Tris walked over to Tobias slowly, wrapping her arms around his body

"Have you been voting for your favorite character in the Movie Awards?" Gum girl asked me.

I gulped. I hated voting when more than one fandom was nominated and in my case, 4 of my fandoms were nominated and I couldn't choose. "Nope," I replied, trying to sound as confident as possible.

"Wow. Fangirls are supposed to support their fandoms and vote for them, you know," she gave me a pitiful look.

I glared at her. She was annoying the crap out of me and I swear, I will throw knives at her if she won't stop talking. I've gotten enough shit for being Multifandom in my lifetime, believe me. Thankfully, the bell rang before the girl could say anything else. 

"Can you believe her?" I threw my hands up in exasperation. 

"it's tough being Multifandom," Adeline muttered.

I laughed," Oh please, you've been Multifandom for two days." 

She smirked," Yeah, and it's already hard so I have a certain kind of respect for you people with 20 fandoms." 

I nodded. At one point i admit, I have wanted to leave some of my fandoms, but it's not something that you just do. You can't just leave a fandom, that's not how it works. There was a quote that went like "being a fan doesn't mean you were there from the start, it means that you'll be there until the end." or something like that anyways. I'm never leaving my fandoms, I chose this lifestyle and I'm sticking with it forever. 

Multifandom- book two in the Fandom Academy seriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora