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I woke up 45 minutes late, completely ignoring the Dalek alarm clock that was threatening to exterminate me.

I rubbed my eyes and saw Kaetlyn hovering over my bed, dressed in her blue uniform. "Hurry up Kat, we're going to miss class."

I had Fan Art first thing this morning, and Sydney was in my class too

"I kinda feel like ditching today," I groaned.

"Cause of Sydney?" Kaetlyn asked.

"No." I lied, she rolled her eyes.

"You are so not Candor," she smirked. "Come on."

I sighed and threw on my uniform over my Hunger Games tank top. My brown hair was in a mess, but I didn't bother fixing it. "Was Sydney at breakfast?" I asked. I dont know what I wanted to hear.

"Nope, she slept in too I guess," Kaetlyn said.

We speed-walked to Fan Art, and we weren't even that late. Besides, Mark, the teacher, was pretty chill like every other grown-up fangirl or fanboy teacher here. "Well Sydney showed up for class," Kaetlyn mumbled as we sat down on the opposite side of the room. I worked on my  Destiel drawing, but I was keeping an eye on Sydney. 

After class, I was anxious to get away from Sydney but I saw her coming towards me. I couldn't read what her expression was. Fortunately, Adam was also walking towards me. I have never been this happy to see Adam in my life. 

"Kat.. could I talk to you?"  Sydney asked. By then Adam was by my side.

"Um- sorry, I have to talk to my boyfriend," I said to Sydney, and pulled Adam away into an empty alcove. I had no idea why I just called him that- or maybe I did. We were sort-of dating, we never said anything official like "Be my boyfriend" or anything, but we've been hanging out whenever we were free, sometimes "sort-of" double dating with Adeline and Rob. I hope he didn't mind. There was a sign on the wall that read BOOKS ARE BETTER THAN BOYS, I wanted to laugh at the irony right now. 

Adam had a huge grin on his face. "Did i hear you call me your boyfriend Kat?" 

"Yes, and did I hear you quoting Tobias Eaton, Adam?" I grinned back. We both laughed, and then our foreheads touching, we were so close together. Next our noses touched, and we were so close I could feel his heavy breathing. Come to think of it the only time we've ever kissed was that time when I ran away, and I wouldn't count that. 

"Say it again," he said, quoting Tobias again. Oh my god, Adam. 

"You are my boyfriend," I said, slurring my words.

He gently kissed my lips, and I forgot all about Sydney and everything stressing me out at the moment. He is all I need and he's been right there in front of me all along but I've been too stupid to acknowledge it. 

He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Maybe quoting Tobias Eaton will be our always."

Multifandom- book two in the Fandom Academy seriesWhere stories live. Discover now