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I was sitting with Adeline and Kaetlyn at lunch, and I was in the middle of eating my Dauntless cake (which is as delicious as it was said to be), when a fanboy named Adam or something from one of my classes walked over and startled me. 

"Hey.. Kat, is it? Would you like to come hang out with us at the Commons Room this evening? We're playing Monopoly... Doctor Who 50th Edition."  he said. He had an English accent and dark brown hair (which reminded me too much of a certain someone whos name rhymed with Mess. Ach-hem). No, Kat, don't think of Wes. Push him out of your mind, push push push, I thought to myself.

I bit my lip subconsciously. "Uh... actually, I had plans with these two this evening.. I'm sorry." I lied, gesturing towards Kaetlyn and my sister. 

Kaetlyn stepped on me under the table. "Actually, she's free. We're all free tonight," Kaetlyn smiled sweetly, and  I saw her sit up straighter. 

Adeline giggled," If you'll let us come along..." She started twirling a strand of red hair around her finger. I rolled my eyes at them. How could they start flirting instead of helping me get out of this situation? 

He chuckled," Of course you're all welcome to come." 

"Well, they can go. I'm busy, er-" I raked my brain for excuses, but and I was about to keep making up things on spot until Adeline cut in. She wasn't helping me this time, though.

"We'll all go. See you there," she grinned. 

"Awesome." and he walked back to his table where his friends were sitting.

"Ugh," I grunted, lightly slapping Adeline on the thigh. " You don't even watch Doctor Who, and you know I'm totally not up for this whole 'boy' thing after Wes. I'm still having trust issues, okay?"

Adeline rolled her eyes," Kat, you can't mope over Wes forever. You've got to get over him and this is the perfect opportunity to find some new guys and get Wes off your mind." 

I glanced at Kaetlyn for some support.

She shrugged," Oh come on, it'll be fun. I promise." 

I knew there was no point in arguing with them, especially Adeline. Believe me, I've tried arguing with her for my whole life. "Okay, but don't bet on me dating anyone for a while. I'm still convinced all guys are secretly working for evil scientists," I muttered. I was so not looking forward to this evening.


The Commons Room wasn't hard to find, since there was only one main building and noises kept erupting from the direction. Kaetlyn and I were dressed in fandom merch. She wore her "Liars Unite" Pretty Little Liars t-shirt with a red "Who is A" hoodie and leggings, with a Mortal Instruments ring and a fez. I wore my oversized TARDIS t-shirt with jeans and a Fourth Doctor scarf. I had considered dressing up in all my Doctor Who merch , since we were playing Doctor Who Monopoly, but Adeline didn't let me. She wore my lightbrown leather jacket with a mini skirt and boots. Adeline, being the leader she was born to be, swung open the Commons Room door and entered first.

"Hello, boys." she grinned. i stood behind her awkwardly, scanning the room. It had posters from every fandom plastered on the walls, with all sorts of board games lying around. Nothing was seperated like in Fandom Academy; you'd have a Game of Thrones Trivial Pursuit squished between a Big Bang Theory Clue and a Doctor Who Monopoly on the shelf. 

"Sweet, you all made it!" Adam smiled, his dimples appearing on his face. Gods, why did he have to have dimples like Wes? His friends were behind him, setting up the game. I recognised the two of them. Robert Ladner cosplayed as the Eleventh Doctor, and I'd say he and Matt Smith could be identical twins. The other guy was Daniel Evans, and he had dirty blond hair and a white multifandom t-shirt. I had to admit, they were all attractive guys, but I am not looking for anything romantic whatsoever at the moment.

"Heeey," Kaetlyn giggled. I felt dumb and very short next to Kaetlyn and Adeline, and not to mention ugly. Adeline was the hot ginger chick that turned heads everywhere, and Kaetlyn was just downright cute and guys liked that. I was awkward, shy and clumsy, what was I doing at a social event? I bet all the other introverted fangirls like me were happily reading in their rooms right now, not putting up with this. Why had I agreed to do this again? 

"Okay, we're all set up," Rob announced. "Everyone know how to play Monopoly?" he joked. 

Adeline sat down next to him. "Well, yes, but I'm not a Whovian so I probably won't get this..." she admitted. I did quick eye roll. We all knew she wasn't here to play a geeky game, she just wanted to flirt. "I mean, I should probably leave," she added.

Rob grabbed her arm, and said," No, no, please stay. I'll tell you everything you need to know. We'll play together as one player." 

Kaetlyn stifled a laugh, and I rolled my eyes again. I had a feeling I was going to be rolling my eyes a lot this evening. 

Multifandom- book two in the Fandom Academy seriesWhere stories live. Discover now