Chapter two: Understandings

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"Wakey wakey!"

I heard momma come in with her cheery voice as she pulled the curtains back from my window to let the light flood the room.

I groaned and pulled the sheet over my head to indicate that I want a few more minutes to sleep. But she never listens because she's an early riser.

She pulled the sheet off of me and left my body to shiver from the coldness. I curled myself into a ball and laid there as I was too tired to open my eyes.

"Marie, get up sweetie,"

I shook my head and laid there as I didn't hear her anymore. I smiled as I thought that I had won and she now left the room, but that wasn't it at all. She was still very much in the room as she started tickling my sides.

"Momma, stop!" I laughed out as she kept tickling me and wouldn't stop under my command. I tried grabbing her hands away from my sides, but she was much stronger than me. "Fine, I'm getting up!" I felt defeated as she finally stopped and I opened my eyes to see her grinning at me.

"Breakfast is ready," she leaned over and kissed my forehead and made her way out of my room.

I stared at the ceiling and sighed as I was already dreading the day. But then, maybe today won't be so bad now that I know I met Isabelle. I was out of bed in a flash as I was racing around my room to get dressed and running down the stairs.

"Whoa, slow down!" I almost ran into mom as she was holding her hands up with a slice of bread in one. I smiled at her as I walked to the stove and made me a plate.

I sat down at the table with my moms and we ate as they talked back and forth about something that uninterested me. I didn't really understand the grown up world because I was just a teenager, so everything they say is mindless to me.

After breakfast, mom told us goodbye as she left for work and I had a few more minutes until I had to leave for school. I tend to leave early so that I don't have to be around anyone as they're all piling in the school, but sometimes even when I arrive early, I still meet people that I don't want to meet.

I sat at the table as momma was washing dishes and I couldn't help but think about everything in my life. How too perfect it is here at home, where at school it's a living nightmare.

It's hell in school, but once I'm home, I'm treated the way I'm supposed to be treated in life and not by stupid teenager girls and boys who have nothing better to do than to make my life a living hell.

Inside these walls, my life is what it's supposed to be. But outside, at school, I'm living a different life.


I shook my thoughts away as I noticed momma was staring at me. I smiled as if I wasn't thinking about my terrible life, "Yes?"

She smiled, "When are we going to meet your friend?" she scrubbed the dish that was in her hands as she was watching me.

I really didn't know what to say, I mean, I just met her yesterday and the only thing I know about her is her name, and she likes getting in trouble. I picked that much up just by the vibe I was getting from her and the way she was telling me about not wanting to get suspended again.

I shrugged, "I don't know,"

I watched as she nodded then focused back on the dishes, "That's fine, just bring her by whenever," she looked at me and smiled, "We all would love to meet her,"

In my case, my mom would probably scare her off with her constant questioning, and momma might just be too friendly to her and not make her want to come back.

Because of you, Isabelle Keller (Tetralogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now