Chapter fifteen: Different Perspective part 2

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I woke up from a dream about Isabelle.

It made me miss her even more now.

It made me think about how this situation is messed up more than I could ever imagine, and to be able to dig my way out will be a challenge.

But I'm willing to do it.

I got up and dressed for school. I needed to see Isabelle, and I don't give a damn about what happens when I do so. I will see her.

After I got dressed, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I saw momma at the stove, and mom sitting at the table with a newspaper. I wasn't going to speak to them, because I wanted them to approach me first. I needed for them to understand this crap they have me in, and for them to put it all aside.

I grabbed a banana from the bowl on the counter and sat down in front of mom at the table. I didn't look up at her as I was peeling the banana, but I knew she was watching me. I could feel her stare on me, but I ignored it.

As the minutes ticked by, it was silent except for the noises that momma was making on the stove, and the casual flip of the newspaper from mom. I didn't make eye contact with neither of them, but this situation was awkward enough.

After a few more minutes, mom finally spoke, "Aubrey," I kept my eyes on the table as I was eating. "Could you take Marie to school before you leave?" she asked. I didn't look up, but mom never said anything, so I'm guessing she nodded or rolled her eyes.

Or both.

After I finished, I got up to throw away the peel, and that's when mom got up and blocked my way. I looked in her eyes the first time today, and they were red. I stared at her until she spoke, "Come on. Let's go," she walked around me and left the kitchen.

I stood there for a few seconds before following suit. As I made my way in the hall, mom handed me my backpack and I stared at her, confused. "How-"

Before I could finish, she spoke, "Toby grabbed the things out of the jeep last night and brought it over this morning,"

I nodded and we both walked out the door. I followed behind her as we walked to her car. I stood there waiting until she unlocked the doors, then slid in the passenger seat. It was weird being in here because I normally don't ever ride in her car, unless we're going somewhere together.

We pulled out and got onto the road. After a few seconds, it was deadly silent. The radio wasn't on, and mom was carefully watching the road, while this silence was eating me alive.

"So," I started. I watched mom as she never took her eyes off the road. "When is the jeep getting back?" I asked. She never said anything about Toby saying anything about the jeep, so I curious.

She didn't say anything for a minute. "Well, Jennifer and I spoke last night before Toby left," she kept her eyes on the road. I waited. "We think it's best if you don't get the jeep back until a month,"

I sat there staring at her, not believing what I was hearing. I can't believe they're doing this to me. "I didn't even wreck it," I stated.

She sighed, "It wasn't just about that. We feel like giving you the jeep is giving you more freedom to leave whenever you want, and we don't want that happening,"

I stared at her as we pulled into the school. We stopped and I never let my eyes wander away from the side of her face as she was sitting there. To think that she or momma has the right to do this is stupid.

"First you take away Isabelle, now you take away my vehicle!?" I shouted. She finally turned to look at me. "I can't believe you think this is ok!"

Because of you, Isabelle Keller (Tetralogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now